Chapter 5

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"Hello everyone! I would like to start by thanking you all for accepting the invintation to enroll in this school." 

Proffessor Sycamore (Or I guess Vice Principal Sycamore, Ash thought) stood in the middle of the battling arena, starting the assembly. Ash took a minute to wonder over his location. Wouldn't it make more sense to give the assembly in the performance stage? I wonder why it's here. 

"An astounding 95% of you chose to accept your invintation to this school! That's a much better turnout than I could have hoped for!" The audience roared. "The purpose of this assembly is to help alleviate any questions you have for the school, as well as to show what we're all about! So with that said, I'd like to welcome to the stage, Principal Diantha!"

The audience broke out into thunderous applause and many 'whoo!'s and 'yeah!'s could be heard as Champion (and Principal) Diantha took the stage. "Thank you, Augustus, " She nodded her head at him graciously as he handed her the microphone. "And thank you all for such a kind welcome! I founded K.I.P. in the hoped that I could help young students achive their dreams! (and definetly not because I wanted to battle strong trainers more often! ) By gathering some of the world's most promising trainers in one place, I hope you will help further each other! 

"K.I.P. is also meant to help students in academics. Since many of you left on your journeys at a young age, many of you weren't able to go to school properly, and I'm afraid our next generation will be so focused on pokemon, we won't have anyone left to be doctors or enigineers!" Diantha said this in a joking way, and many of the audience laughed or made hand gestures that meant 'She's right, y'know.' "So K.I.P. will help educate its students on aspects of Pokemon, but also on subjects one might study in school, such as math, science, and English. I hope you all come to enjoy your studies in K.I.P.!" More applause shook the arena. 

"And as Proffessor Sycamore said, one of the puropses of this assembly was to help 'show what we're all about!' So we have a suprise in store for you! Under your chairs, you'll find a remote! Because many of you were invited to this school because of you pokemon performing and coordinating abilities, and to show you some of the amazing things students are studying at K.I.P., we are going to let one student showcase one of their performances! If you are a pokemon coordinator or performer and wish for this chance, please select the red button on the top of your remote!" 

Ash listened with interest. He himself wasn't a performer or coordinator, but he knew a lot of talented ones. He wondered if anyone he knew was here or would be selected. He noticed multiple people in the audience  pushing the first button.

"And since many of you were selected to this school because of their pokemon battling abilities, another student will be given the chance to have a battle with me! If you are a pokemon battler and want to have a battle with me, please push the green button on your remote!" 

Ash jumped up and shouted "Yeah!!!", drawing more quizicall glances form those sitting next to him. I might get to battle Diantha again! That's awesome! Our last battle ended early because of Team Rocket, but this time I'll make sure we finish it! He hit the green button on his remote much harder than he should, but he was too excited to care. That must be why we're in the battling stadium and not the performance stage! He bounced eagarly in his seat, awaiting the winners to be announced.

Ash turned his attention to the jumbotron, where he saw pictures of faces scrolling down, mostly of girls. Eventually it setteled on a familiar face. "The student who will put on a performance for us is... Miette Sayori!" Ash cheered. Wow, Miette! What are the odds that I would know not only everyone in my dorm, but also the student performing here? I know she'll put on a great show!

Miette ran down the steps to the middle of the battlefield and talked to Diantha for a moment. Afterwards she ran to the middle of the field and struck a pose with her pokemon of choice, Slurpuff. The lighting changed and a spotlight appeared on her; music began to play. Miette danced around the field, mirroring Slurpuff's dance moves. "Alright Slurpuff!" She called. "Use cotton spore!" Slurpuff sent out multiple cotton spores, and they sparkled around the field as Miette and Slufpuff danced and as the audience cheered. "Now use fairy wind!" The wind blew the cotton spores around in a dazzling, sparkly cloud. The audience oohed as Miette shouted her final command. "Alright, now use energy ball!" Slurpuff's energy ball grew larger, and larger, until it finally exploded into multiple glittering pieces. 

Miette and slurpuff took a bow as the audience cheered. Ash was happy for his friend, but was so excited for the battle. He cheered rather halfheartedly, instead thinking about the pokemon he'd choose for the battle. Gardevoir's a phycic and fairy type, so...

His thought were interupted by the jumbotron starting to flick through faces. He saw a blur of what the thought his face was quickly flash by, but it was scrolling too fast for him to be certain. As the faces started to slow down, he noticed another familiar face. "Hey pikachu, was that..." Ash was interupted by a large sound effect on the jumbotron screen. Ash couldn't believe it. 

"And the pokemon trainer who will to battle Gardevoir and me is none other than..."

"AAAAAAAAsh Ketchum!"

Ash lept out of his seat. "Yeah!" 


Ash ran down the stadium steps and onto the battlefield, unkowingly grining on the jumbotron. He eagarly approached Diantha, Pikachu on his shoulder. "I"m glad I'll get to have a battle with you! Escpecially after we couldn't finish the last one we had. " Ash sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. This automatically caused ripples in the audience as they caught it on Diantha's microphone. This kid with his unevolved pikachu had battled Diantha before?

Diantha smiled. "I'm glad to see you haven't changed one bit, Ash! I do hope your battling skills have improved, though,since I've been practicing with Gardevoir and we're more in sync then ever!'

They seperated to their respective sides of the battlefield. "Gardevoir, I choose you!" Diantha threw her pokeball and out came gardevoir.

Ash griped his hat and grinned. "Alright, I choose you!"


Serena listened to the Diantha as she talked about the remote. I might have a chance to perform? That's great! Serena pressed the red button. After a moment, she watched all the faces scroll through. After a glimpse of herself, the screen settled on a face she knew well. Miette! So Miette attends this school as well! 

She watched her friend and rival perform. Afterwards she clapped estatically. I'll have to stay on my toes if I want to beat her!

Serena didn't want to battle Diantha, so she waited patiently as the names and faces scrolled down the jumbotron. Finally, the jumbortron settled on a very familiar face. Serena almost shut down in excitment. It's...It's...


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