Chapter 53

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Giovanni sat in his airship as they flew to the top of the Lumiose Gym, impatient. 

Persian was sitting with its head on his lap, purring gently as Giovanni pet it. Persian couldn't stand staying in its pokeball, so Giovanni never made it. It was a powerful pokemon, so he granted it certain luxuries. Besides, he enjoyed petting Persian.

The airship touched down on the building, alongside multiple others. Normally, multiple flying vessels touching down on a tower would illicit at least a look of puzzlement from the police, but Giovanni's scientists had added a 'high tech' cloaking device to the quiet ships; a tarp that matched the color of the sky. Right now, it was the middle of the night, so a black tarp with white dots had been fastened to the bottom of the airship. Crude, but highly effective.

Giovanni finally landed. It had been a long flight from Kanto, but he could finally get out and stretch his legs. Of course, he couldn't let his henchmen see him sore. To maintain his air of seriousness he had to forego some comforts, such as stretching out his legs dramtically after exciting the  plane.

Instead, he simply stepped out, Persian close behind. 

A Team Rocket member approached him. "Sir, everything's already being set into motion. It should be finished by tonight." He said it emotionlessly, but a smile was playing at his lips.

Giovanni didn't bother hiding his own grin. After all, why should he? His plans were going perfectly. "Good work. Update me when the first stage is complete."

The plan had ten stages. If even one wasn't done, the whole plan would fall apart. Though, the odds that one wouldn't get done were miniscule. 

The first was to secure the current gym leader of Lumiose Gym and anyone else in the tower. It wouldn't do for someone to find out what they're doing and call the police.

The second was to assemble the device. It had been sucsessfully built back at Team Rocket HQ and tested with a Lucario (though the power output of its aura was notable, it was hardly enough for what they were planning), but was currently in pieces in various airships.

While it was being assembled, his agents would have to kidnap the boy. This was the part he worried about. Those imbeceles had a talent for wreaking havok on the plans of other evil teams (like Team Flare), which is why he kept them around, but they had never been able to kidnap this boy's Pikachu. Hopefully they had better luck with the actual boy.

Next would be to use his own machine to call Arceus. This would be the risky part. If he called Arceus too early, or if he was too close, they wouldn't have collected enough energy to control it. If they waited until they had the energy, then they could overload the battery, which was only meant to be constantly drained, and blow up the building. It also came with a larger risk of someone stopping their opperations.

Next would be to strap the boy in the machine and power everything up. He would power the machine that called Arceus as well as the machine that would control him, so multiple power cables would be involved. It would be a delicate balance between powering both machines while not completely draining the boy; he would be needed constantly if his plan worked correctly.

The next step was to control Arceus. The machine would call him to the tower using a signal, but once he got there he would probably want to destroy it. Therefore the machine that would control Arceus would need to be incredibly hardy and hard to destroy. 

At the same time, the boy would need to be close to Arceus and the mind control device, meaning that the machine holding him would have to be hard to destroy as well. Unfortunately, his scientists hadn't been able to secure that machine as well as the others, so he'd have to see what t hey could come up with while on the roof.

Once they had Arceus under their control, Giovanni and Team Rocket would destroy Lumiose city. They would then blackmail the rest of the world; claming that if they didn't bow down to the head of Team Rocket, he would destroy everything. If everyone fought back as a united force, Giovanni wold simply add more powerful pokemon to his roster. If he built a machine that could get Arceus to come to him, he could build a machine to get, say, Giratinna.

But before he did that, he would have to to betray Lysandere. He wouldn't rule the world alongside a disgraced whelp. That step would be easy; the only reason he was still keeping Lysandere around was because Xerostic only listened to him. As soon as the machine was complete and re-assembled, he would have no use for either of them. Of course, Lysandere would be expecting this. It would be a game, one that would determine the fate of the world. Giovanni was certain to come out on top. Obviously not for the fate of the world, but but his own advancement.

Once he had gotten the update, he walked over to the area his scientists had blocked off to start building the machine, Persian trailing close behind.

"Staus update."

Xerostic and his own head scientist stood up. "Sir! The machine will be ready by tonight."


He then walked to check on the two men who were sent to search the bulding.

"Men?" He asked simply.

"Sir! We've scanned the building. There are only two occupants. I've sent a team down to secure them. They'll be held in the tower's secure holding facility. "

"Perfect. Update me when the occupants are secured."

Next he turned to Matori, his best Team Rocket agent and an incredible woman. 

"Matori, what's the status of Iota 6?"

"Matori gave Giovanni a smile. "It's installed. I'll send down some agents to guard it later tonight."

Giovanni smiled. He hadn't even needed to tell her not to waste any manpower guarding it yet; she already knew to simply assign the job to the imbeceles.


He gave her a nod and walked over to check on one last thing.


Lysandere watched as Giovanni strolled over to him. He was probably going to update him on 'their' plans, and tell him that 'they' were going to have the world in 'their' grasp. It was all lies, and they both knew it. Giovanni obviously planned to get rid of him as soon as he was no longer needed. 

But GIovanni had forgotten one thing; Xerostic. Xerostic had, at Lysandere's instruction, inplemented a code into the mind-controlling device. Arceus would only listen to Lysandere's commands. After that, it would be easy to take out Giovanni. 

He could stand certain that Xerostic wouldn't be sold out, and Giovanni wouldn't find out about the kill code until it was too late. 

"Hello, Giovanni." Lysandere adressed partner.

"You'll be happy to know everything is in order. It's schedueled to be finished tonight." Giovanni said, as if he didn't intend to betray him.

"Excellent news. Thank you for the update." Lysandere said, as if he didn't know about the betrayal and had already planned for it.

Giovanni nodded at him and walked away, his Persian close behind. 

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