Chapter 50

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"Both pokemon are unable to battle! Challengers, please send out your last pokemon!"

As they returned their pokemon to their pokeballs, Ash and Paul looked each other in the eye. They both knew what was coming next.

"Let's finish this! Electivire!" 

"Let's show him our power! I choose you, Lucario!"

The two pokemon stared each other down.

"Lucario, aura sphere!"

"Electivire, thunderbolt!"

The attacks collided, causing an explosion right off the bat.

"Bone rush!"

"Brick break!"

They met in the middle, exchanging a few blows before rebounding back.

"Double team and meteor mash!"


Lucario multiplied, lots of copies of him on the field, each charging meteor mash, while Electivire attacked all them with thunderbolt. After getting rid of a few Lucario clones, both attacks landed, sending both pokemon flying back.

Ash gritt his teeth. They were pretty even power-wise. That meant that strategy was going to have to win this battle. He turned his hat around on his head. This was going to be quite the battle.

"Electivire, brick break!"

Electivire rushed in, fist glowing.

"Lucario, counter with bone rush!"

Electivire and Lucario met in the middle. Electivire tried to punch him with brick brea, and Lucario tried to find an angle to hit Electivire with bone rush, but each were to busy fending each other off to do anything.

"Wow, folks! This is the most evenly matched battle I've ever seen! Each pokemon is practically equal in speed and power!" The announcer said from his box.

The two pokemon were still really  close to each other, so Paul and Ash called out the next moves.

"Lucario, aura sphere!"

"Electivire, thunderbolt!"

They pokemon were so close to each other that they couldn't dodge the other's moves. Both were a direct hit, sending the pokemon flying back from each other.

"Lucario, double team!" Ash didn't have a great idea, but he had an idea.

"Hit them all with thunderbolt!"

"Aura sphere!"

Lucario multiplied until he covered the field before leaping up and throwing aura spheres at Electivire as it destroyed the copies with thunderbolt.

"Now use meteor mash!"

Just when Electivire had destroyed all the Lucarios but one, Lucario got up close and hit it with meteor mash.

Both pokemon slid back to their own sides of the field. Both were breathing heavily and had scratches, but Electivire looked a little worse for wear because of Lucario's last minute metoer mash.

"Electivire, thunder punch!"

"Bone rush!"

Once again, the two pokemon met, parried some attacks, and retreated simultaneously, breathing a little harder.

They weren't getting anywhere with this. Something had to change. Ash closed his eyes for a second. He thought about ways to help Lucario hit Electivire multiple times until finally...

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