Chapter 30

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During Thursday morning's Intermediate Pokemon Catching class, Ash could barely focus. Luckily, all he had to do was write down notes, so he could learn them later, but he could only think about Serena. 

Now that he had realised that he liked her, nothing seemed the same. He found himself wondering if she liked him too. He thought about last night and wondered if it meant anything to her. He wondered how he never noticed the way he felt around Serena. It was as if the world was brighter now that he realised how much Serena meant to him. How on earth did he not notice any of this before?

Pikachu turned his attention back to the class, patting Ash's arm with his tail to make sure he hadn't missed the next pokeball they were studying. Thankfully his daydreaming hadn't affected his note-taking; the teacher was only talking about great balls and heavy balls this class, and he already knew what those pokeballs did since he had caught tottodile in one and BRock had caught foretress in the other.

He instead glanced at Serena. When he looked at her, however, he found her looking at him. She blushed slightly and looked away. Ash did the same, though he didn't realise either of them were blushing.

Gary watched the whole thing grinning ear to ear.

Unfortunately for Ash, though maybe not for his grades, Serena wasn't in any of his classes for the rest of that day.

Instead he had Advanced Pokemon Studies alone. The teacher, Professor Morrison, was kind but tough. Ash had to memorise the weight, height, habitat, eating habits and typings of the Florges line. It wasn't too hard since Ash had met each of the evoloutionary stages and knew most of this information already, but everyone else in the class whinned audibly.

Ash nailed the test at the end of the day and headed off to Pokemon coordinating with Pikachu. He had worked on his appeal stage performance with Dragonite and was ready to perform. 

He sent out his pokemon. "You ready, Dragonite?" 


"Alright then, use hurricane!" 

Dragonite whipped up a storm that sent up raging winds around the field. Professor Primrose grabbed on to her fancy hat to keep it from flying off as the other kids in the class watched in suspense. 

"Now use dragon dance and draco meteor!"

Dragonite danced around the sky, glowing slightly orange, and let loose a fierce draco meteor onto the stage. 

Many students stood back in fear, afraid the beasutiful falling stones would land on them.

"Alright, now use dragon pulse and dragon dance again!"

As the hurricane calmed down, Dragonite destroyed each of the stones into a cloud of glowing sparkles while dancing around.

Dragonite then took a bow and gave Ash a hug as Ash's classmates and thier pokemon cheered. 

"Eeexcellent perrrformance, Ash. You get an A. Next time, though, please don't put anyone in danger of getting hit by that draco meteor. " Professor Primrose walked away, shaking.  

As another one of Ash's classmates prepared to perform, Trina approached Ash. "Hey, Ash!" She said happily. 

"Oh, hey Trina!" Ash said, though slightly nervously. Gary had explained that she had a crush on him, but he had recently discovered that he had a crush on Serena, so he wasn't sure what to do. Gary had suggested he polietly put down any attempt to reach out, but Ash felt bad doing that. So he could only hope that Trina wasn't asking him on another date.

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