Chapter 24

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"Gary? Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Sure I'm sure, Ashy-Boy."

Ash didn't even both not trying to protest Gary calling him Ashy-Boy; he hadn't stopped for years and he wasn't about to stop now. 

They were back at the practice battlefields with Lucario. Pikachu was a safe distance away with Gary. Given what Pikachu and Gary considered 'a safe distance' was about 30 yards away, Ash did not have a good feeling about this.

"Okay, if you're sure..."

"Three, two, go!"

-15 minutes ago-

"Here's the plan," Gary said. "My theory is that you and Lucario do the mind-space-headache thing when you (A) get hyped and (B) make eye contact. So far, those are the only factors that were in common both times it happened, so that's all I've got to go on. 

"The easiest way to go about 'making you hyped' would be to have you both do something you feel the same way about. Obviously, battling is the first thing that comes to mind."

"So what does all the mean?" Asked Ash.

-Back to present-

Apparenatly, that meant that Gary's pokemon would line up on one side of the battlefield and take potshots and Ash and Lucario while they ran around the field trying to dodge them and take out Gary's pokemon. Gary was supposed to be 'taking notes of the scientific experiment', but it looked like he was just laughing his head off as Ash dodged a flamethrower.

"Alright, Lucario, use meteor mash and Hatrene!" Lucario attacked Hatrene and she stumbled back but didn't faint.

Ash dodged a draining kiss and glanced at Lucario: He was doing fine.

Ash grinned and tightened his hat. "Alright, Lucario, double team!"

Multiple Lucarios appeared throughout the battlefield

"Now use aura sphere!"

The many Lucarios sent aura spheres flying at all six of Gary's pokemon. All the aura spheres made contact, but only hatrene fainted.

Ash narowly avoided a hydro pump.

"Alright, get close to blastoise and use dragon pulse!"

Lucario tried, but Blastoise and all the other pokemon warded him away.

Ash thought for a moment before shouting, "Alright then, use double team!"

As Lucario multiplied, Gary's pokemon didn't know who to hit, so they all spread out their attacks more.

"Now get close and try dragon pulse again!"

All the Lucarios fowarded, but the real one made it through and fired off a dragon pulse while turning, making it so it hit all Gary's pokemon.

Blastoise and ninetailes fainted, since the move was supereffective, but Umbreon, Nidoqueen and Arcanine were still blasting.

Ash came up with a strategy. 

"Alright Lucario, run in between Gary's pokemon while using double team!"

Lucario grinned, grasping Ash's idea. He multiplied once more and ran directly at the three reamaining pokemon on Gary's team.

Since there were three of them, Umbreon and Nidoqueen tried to hit Lucario while Arcanine kept trying to flamethower Ash.

But when Unbreon and Nidoqueen launched their attacks at Lucario, all the copies disappread, leaving the two pokemon who were actually there to fire at themselves, knocking them both out.

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