Chapter 71

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Gary ran to Ash's side, Pikachu following his lead. 

Ash was glowing blue and almost transparent. Little specks of aura slowly floated off of him, and he grew more transparent each second.

The small electric mouse pokemon gently nudged Ash's side. "Pika Pi?"

Ash didn't react.

Ash kneeled down beside Ash and gently shook his shoulders. "Ashy-boy."

He didn't react.

"Ashy-Boy, come one, get up."

No movement.


Gary grabbed Ash's arm, frightened by how light it was, and checked Ash's pulse.

Serena, Paul, and Pikachu leaned closer so Gary, waiting for a reaction.

After holding his arm for a few seconds, Gary slowly set it back down.

"He has no pulse."

Gary slowly stood up, backing away.



"Ash," He whispered quietly, looking at the sparkling, fading trainer.

He thought about all the times Ash had made him start shouting in suprise. All the times he had improved as a trainer, forcing Gary to try even harder to stay ahead. All the insults traded, all the teasing, the jokes.

Gary closed his, eyes, a tear falling down his face. Come on, Ashy-boy. I know you said you've died before, but it's not funny. You've gotta wake up.


As Gary backed away from its trainer, Pikachu gently jumped on Ash's chest.

"PIka pi?"

He nudged his trainer again.

"Pika?!" Pikachu tried again, on the verge of tears.

"Pi ka CHU!" He sent a thunderbolt into his trainer, hoping he would wake up like he did every morning.

He didn't.

"Pi ka CHU!"


"Pi ka CHU!" He tried again.

"Pikachu! PIKAPI!" Pikachu started crying, curling into a ball on its trainer's chest.

"Pikapi." it whispered.

After staying there for a few moments, Pikachu picked up Ash's hat from where it had fallen off when Ash colapsed.

He gently placed it back on his trainer's head, watching as he got more and more transparent as more and more sparkles flew off of him.


"Ash," Serena whispered gently.

No, he can't be dead. He just told me he loves me, he can't be dead. This is Ash. He always comes through, just like he did when he took the bomb.

Strange, that feels like a faraway memory now. But it was a few mintes ago. Ash was fine then, smiling as he suggested saving everyone's life.

She let out a choked, strangled chuckle as she thoguht about it.

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