Chapter 33

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Since Drew and May both had Advanced Pokemon Coordinating before the end of the school day, Drew and May often walked back to May's dorm together. They taked about their journey through Johto together, their battle during the finals of the Johto Grand Cup, and how their coordinating teacher was funny. Drew insluted May a couple of times, but they both knew it was just in good fun. 

A few minutes after they arrived back at May's dorm, Goh and Chloe arrived, chatting about one of their old teachers. While they were still a part of the larger group that included Ash, Gary, Serena and Dawn, together the four of them had made a click inside the group.

Goh had taken a real shine to Drew. Before he had come here with Ash he had considered his only friends to be Ash and Chloe, making him act rather clingy to them. But it turned out that Ash knew almost everyone here. Once Ash had arrived here, he had been best friends with Gary. Goh was scared by this at first. Ash and Chloe were the only ones he knew here, and both of them weren't avaliable to talk to a lot of the time. Ash was always running around, and Chloe was in a completely different dorm room.

Therefore Goh had turned to the only other person in his dorm room: Drew. Drew was kinda a jerk at first, like Gary, but after getting to know and respect each other, they had become unlikely friends.

The story was quite similar with May and Chloe. Because Serena and Dawn had become wingmates, May and Chloe were often sitting in the dorm alone together, prompting fun converstions about their travels.

Since May and Drew knew each other, Goh and Chloe knew each other, and the girls and boys had become best friends, they ended up spending lots of time together in the girl's dorm room.

"How was pokemon coordinating?" Chloe asked as she and Goh entered the room.

"It was alright. We learned more about meshing the moves in the appeal stage." May noted, sitting on the couch.

"But when Professor Tempro was trying to show us what he was talking about, he messed up his own performance and fell on his face. I wouldn't exactly call him worthy of being the advanced pokemon coordinating professor." Drew said with a smirk.

"Just because he messed up once doesn't mean he's not qualified! Last time I checked, you haven't had a perfect Coordination record yourself, Mr. 'Lost-To-Me-In-The-Johto-League-Finals." May said smugly.

"Even a broken clock is right twice a day." Drew said, not losing face.

May was steaming, but the both of them knew the other enjoyed it.

Goh and Chloe, however, were not in the invisible loop, so they were under the impression those two hated each other. They often wondered why the two of them even hung out so often.

"I'm sure Professor Tempro is a great performer. He probably just made a small mistake. Just today, In Advanced Pokemon Studies, my teacher forgot what type Galaran Rapidash is. The entire class shouted the answer at him." Chloe giggled and sweatdropped at the memory.

Goh did the same. "Yeah, in Advanced Pokemon Catching, my teacher said to use a timer ball at the begining of a battle becaue he got it mixed up with a quick ball. Our teachers are pretty good, but make quite a few mistakes." Everyone in the room sweatdropped and laughed.

"Who's your favorite teacher so far?" May asked the room.

"Definetly my Science 2 teacher. He doesn't believe in homework, and he explains everything quite well." Chloe answered.

"Me too, Professor Ayyan is the best!" Goh agreed.

"I think my Pokemon catching teacher would have to be my favorite." Said Drew. "She never has us do tests, only memorise the notes."

"I don't know, Professor Tulip doesn't seem like she cares very much about the class," Countered May. "I think our English teacher, Professor G, is the best. He's nice and explains everything really well."

"Maybe, but he gives out homework every class. Isn't it enough to spend half of my day at class? Do I really need more work to do at home, too?" Drew retorted.

The two of them had sparks in their eyes.

Chloe and Goh sweatdropped.

"Where do you think Serena and Dawn went?" Chole said, changing the subject.

"It is Friday night. Maybe they went out to do something." May suggested.

"Maybe. I wonder if Gary and Ash are with them?" Goh noted. 

"Proably. Gary and Dawn have been trying to get Ash and Serena together. Seeing the way they've been acting at lunch the last two days, I think something Gary said broke through to Ash." Chloe noted happily. Everyone in the dorm room shipped Ash and Serena.

"Yeah. I never though I'd see the day dense Ash actually blush. That's a new one." May commented.

"Who do you think will confess first, Ash or Serena?" Goh asked.

"I bet Ash, he's not the type to procrastinate or keep secrets." Drew said.

"I'd think Serena, since she's had a crush on him for a long time and has been trying to work up the courage to tell him. Now that's he's starting to show signs of liking her back, she'll have a higher chance of actually telling him." May disagreed.

"But if she's had a crush on him for that long and never told him, why do you think she'll tell him now?" Drew argued back. 

Chloe and Goh sweatdropped as they argued.

"One way or another, at least we know they'll get together. They like each other, so all they're waiting on is for someone to confess." Goh sumed it up.

"How long do you think it will take?" Chloe asked.

"Well, Ash has only realised he likes Serena for a few days, but they travelled together for six months, so it's hard to tell." May said. 

"I think they won't last a week before telling each other." Drew said.

"I bet they'll do this adorable flirt-blushing thing for a month." Argued May.

Goh and Chloe sweatdropped once more as they broke out into an argument.

"Well, no matter who confesses first or how long it takes, thank goodness there's no one who could stop them! With Gary and Dawn as their wingman and wingwoman, nothing will go wrong!" May said enthusiastically. 

"Yeah, thank goodness there's no boys who  have crushes on Serena or girls who have crushes on Ash." Goh said.

May stalled on this one. "Well..."

"What do you mean, 'Well...'? Does someone have a crush on Ash?" Drew asked impatiently.

"Well, when we had English, a girl came in and tried to sit next to Ash. I think Ash said her name was Miette. And another girl gave Ash her number, and yet another girl  actually asked Ash on a date tonght, but Dawn said that Gary said that the girl had to canel on Ash." May explained. "But it doesn't change the fact that Gary and Dawn won't let anyone get in between Ash and Serena!" May said confidently.

Everyone agreed; there would be no cheesy love triangles, thank goodness.

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