Chapter 62

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Serena, Gary, Paul, Clemont, and Bonnie arrived at the roof just in time to hear a deafening crackle and boom.

"What was that!" Cried out Clemont, scared.

"Get a grip, big brother." Bonnie replied, keeping her cool much better than her older counterpart. "It sounded like an explosion."

Gary grinned; he already liked Clemont's little sister. "I think you're right."

"So where would Ash be?" Serena quickly tried to get the subject back on track.

Clemont put his hand to his chin, thinking for a moment. "Well, it depends on what they need him for. I never found that out, but I do know they were setting up a device for a boy on the roof." Clemont explained.

"Alright then, let's split up. Clemont and Bonnie, why don't you head to the right while Paul, Gary and I head to the left?" Serena suggested.

"Alright!" Clemont nodded and, grabbing Bonnie's hand, clicked a button on his shoes to reveal they had wheels and rockets on them.

After seeing the look of suprise on the other three's faces, he quickly explained. "Since I'm not a fast runner, I installed rockets on my shoes. I call it the-"

"No time!" Bonnie interupted, cutting of her brother's inevitably long invention name by dragging him along the roof.

After recovering from their confusion at the gym leader's antics, the other three quickly headed to the left.

After jogging along the roof for a few moments, a loud conversation could be overheard. "...ASH?"

Serena's heart lept at the mention of the trainer's name. That means he'd here! But who's talking so loudly to him?

Paul and Gary had similar thoughts, but none of them were able to say anything since they soon rounded a corner and narrowly avoided running into some Team Rocket members.


Serena gasped quietly. That was Ash!


"TEAM ROCKET!" This time, Serena was able to use the direction of Ash's voice to pinpont where he had to be; just around the other corner of the roof.

"THEN THEY SHALL PAY!" Serena turned her attention to the cloud where the vouce seemed to have been coming form. Emerging from it was none other than Arceus.

"Arceus!!?!!?!" Paul whisper-shouted, shocked.

"Did Arceus know Ash's name!?!?!" Serena was just as suprised.

"That's Ashy-boy." Gary grinned, proud of Ash for using his connections in high places.

Since the Team Rocket members on the roof were few in numbers and distracted by the god of all pokemon conversing with the boy the helped kidnap, sneaking past them was quite easy.

Soon they rounded the roof corner, where the scene they saw shocked them.

Arceus, with multiple spotlights illuminating him, decended down from the night sky, charging up the move judgement. 

And just below him, strapped to some sort of machine, was Ash.

It was about to fire the move into the sky when suddenly, the pokemon stopped, completely frozen.

It was then that the three teens heard a thrid voice coming from the upper level of the roof. "Arceus, raise you right leg."

Everyone turned their heads from where the voice was coming from back to Arceus. 

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