Chapter 25

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After the dramatic lunch fiasco, Serena had Advanced Pokemon Performing.

As she walked to the practice battlefields, were it was being held, she wondered who she would see there. Maybe Miette and Shauna, or Nini. Jesselinla seemed like she was a tad too old to go to this school, even if she was talented.




Serena approached the battlefield and saw around 20-30 students. She did, in fact, see some familiar faces. Among them were Miette, Amelia, and...


"Huh?" Shauna turned around and saw Serena. "Oh, hi Serena!" They ran towards each other.

"How've you been?"

"Great! I caught an eevvee!"

"That's amazing!" Serena grinned.

"What have you been up to?"

"I've been doing pokemon contests in Hoenn. What about you?"

"Oh, that's so cool! I've still been doing performances still here. I now have a large assortment of princess keys."

"Wow! I'm-"

"Hi, everyone!" Serena and Shauna turned their attention to the front of the class and saw none other then the Kalos Queen, Aria.

Serena was pleasantly suprised to see her, and as a teacher no less. Aria couldn't have been more than five years older than her.

"Since this is advanced performing, I don't need to go over any of the basics about what performing is, which means we can hop right to it! Today, we're going to work on the performance stage, starting with choreography! Making sure you have everything planned right in a performance can be difficult, and it can take a lot of practice before you don't bump into one of you pokemon! So, a simple trick I learned to help out with this is to..."

Serena, Shauna, and the rest of the class practiced the method Aria taught them, and Serena was pleasantly suprised to find that it worked really well. She and Pancham and Swablu didn't bump into each other once while dancing around the battlefield, and did the choreography almost perfectly first try.

"Alright class! I hope that was helpful, and I'll see everyone tomorrow!" Aira waved as the bell rung.

All the girls walked back to their dorms. Once Serena and Shauna split up, Serena ran into Dawn. 

"Oh, Hi Dawn!"

"Come with me, hurry!" Dawn grabbed Serena's wrist and pulled her away from the direction their dorm was in. 

"Hey! What's wrong? Where are we going?" Serena said as she ran behind Dawn.

"Trust me!" Dawn simply shouted.

After a few minutes of running through the hall and up the stairs, Dawn led them to a different dorm room

"Where are we?" Serena asked again.

"No time," Dawn said. She quickly pulled Serena into the dorm.

Inside was none other than Gary Oak. He was sitting on the bed, looking at his phone when Serena and Dawn came in.

"Great! You're here!" He said. He quickly closed the door behind them.

"What's going on?" Asked Serena, exasperated.

"We have to talk quick. Ash will be here any second." Gary said.

"Alright Serena, we're going to get you a date with Ash." Dawn said.

"Then why are we running around like we're plotting a crime?" Serena said.

"Because we can't have Ash know, and he could be here any second, so enough questions!" Gary sat back down on the bed, taking out his phone once more. "The hard parts of this date will be getting Ash to A) not talk about pokemon, B) not talk about food and C) start to think of you as more than just a friend. That means the date can't be at a resturant and that we need to get him to leave Pikachu home. The final one won't be so easy: He might understand 'girls' now, but he's still dense as heck. So that's up to you, Serena. Make him feel special. Make him think of you as someone special. The date has to be Thursday night. You and Dawn plan it, then report back to me."

"What? A date? I never agreed to this!" Serena said, turning bright red.

Gary's phone chimed. "He's here! You've gotta go before he sees you! Now!"

Dawn grabbed Serena's hand and pulled Serena out the door before she even had time to complain.


Just as Serena and Dawn were in the clear, Ash came through the door. Gary was pacing, trying to figure out a way to get Pikachu to leave Ash alone when he went on his date with Serena. 

Ash threw his backpack on his bead. "Hey, Gary."

"I've got it!"

"Huh? About the aura thing?" Ash looked to Gary, confused.

"Huh? No, about something else that I can't tell you about yet. But I did have an idea about that..."


Dawn and Serena ended up back at their room, panting.

"Alright," said Dawn. "Where's a place where there's no food, but still romantic, and can inspire Ash to think of you differently?"

Serena thought for a moment. They planned this whole thing out without even asking me? That's not exactly cool. But I mean, they did come up with a good idea, and they are trying to help me, so I'll keep my mouth shut about it.

Now, what would be a good place? What were some common places for dates? Movies theaters had tons of snacks, and resturaunts were an obvious no. Same thing with a picnic... Why did all romantic spots have to include food? Oh! Wait a minute!

"What about stargazing?" Serena said excitedly. "There's no food, it's romantic, and beautiful, and it won't be too hard to set up!"

Dawn smiled, then frowned slightly. "That's a great idea! Though, Ash doesn't seem like the type to enjoy looking at stars too much. I don't know if he's deep enough for that."

Serena was confused. "What are you talking about? Ash may be dense, but he's plenty deep. Even if every time he makes a nice speech, it ends up involving pokemon." Serena giggled a bit at the though of all the times Ash helped her, and how many times it included pokemon.

Now it was Dawn's turn to be confused. "Ash? Deep? I don't think so. Wait a minute... Awww! You know a whole other side of Ash! That's so romantic!" Dawn squealed happily.

Serena turned a little red at the thought.

"Alright, now we just need a plan to keep Pikachu away so the two of you can be alone together. I have a little idea for this one." Dawn remarked.

"What is it?"

"Leave it to Gary."

". . . Y'know what? I like it."

"Alright! What time would be best for your star-gazing date?"

"Hmmm, it'd have to be late enough to see the stars and have no other students around, but no so late that we're tired for tomorrow's classes."

"How about 9? PM, obviously."

"I think that's perfect!" Serena grinned. She was going on a date with Ash! She wasn't sure if he'd be able to tell it was a date, but still!

"I'll text Gary. 9 PM stargazing, make sure Ash heads to... Where are you going to be stargazing?"

"Hmm... it should probably be on campus, so that we can get back quickly, but not around anyone. How about on the grass behind the performance stage?"

"...Grass...behind...performance stage. And send! Alright! Now all that's left is for Gary to get Ash to go there tomorrow night."

Both girls sweatdropped at the idea. Gary would have to have superpowers.

"Well, we've at least tried! I can't wait!" Serena grinned.

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