Chapter 16

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Serena was enjoying her walk to the cafeteria with Ash when she heard the explosion. A few years ago, she would have been terified and ran away screaming, much like their fellow students, but a few years ago she hadn't gone on a journey with Ash. Now she was concerned, but calm and collected.

She followed Ash as he took off. "Serena, call Officer Jenny, then help everyone evacuate the buildings closest to the explosion. Get the gang to help out if you can. I'll find out what the couse of the explosion is and help stop it."

"Right!" Serena said determindly. She tried to follow Ash to the explosion, but quickly fell behind since she was busy looking at her phone. 

She eventually typed in Officer Jenny's number and heard the line pick up. "Hello? Officer Jenny? There was a large explosion at my school. My friend is checking out the cause, but some help would be greatly appreciated." Serena wasn't quite sure what to say to officer Jenny since she didn't know much about what was happening.

"An explosion? I'm on my way. Do you know if anyone is hurt?"

"No, I was in a different part of the school when it happened. I can only see a cloud of smoke from here."

"Alright, thank you for letting me know."

"Thank you." Serena ended the call.

Througout her conversation, she had been walking towards the explosion site. Now that she wasn't talking to Officer Jenny, she took off running.

The front office was a single story building and in the front right corner of the campus. This meant that the explosion didn't directly hit any other buildings, but there were large, billowing clouds of smoke entering the windows of the first line of classrooms.

She saw many people waving from the third story windows on the other side of the building from the explosion. As she got closer, she could hear what they were saying. 

"...trapped!! We can't get down! Help!"

Serena approached the building. "Hey!" She waved dramatically. "Down here! What's wrong?"

A teacher spoke up. "The smoke started a fire! The stairs and elevator are blocked by smoke and flames, and we can't get out! No one up here has any water types to put out the fire, or flying types big enough to fly us out of here either!"

Serena thought for a moment. The best course of action would probably be to use my pokemon's moves. String shot would be handy right about now, but none of my pokemon know that... Oh, I know!

"Don't worry, I have a plan!" She shouted to the terrified occupants of the third floor.

"Pancham, come on out!" She quickly released Pancham from his pokeball. "I need you to use stone edge to create a staircase for those people!"

"Pan-Pancham!" Pancham thrust its paws at the ground and created a perilous stone staircase that went up three stories. 

"Great job, Pancham! Return!" Serena returned Pancham to its pokeball and looked at the staircase he had made. There were no rails, the tops of the 'steps' weren't flat, and the difference between the height of each step was a good two feet.

"Everybody, grab hands with each other! If someone falls, everyone else can help them! Be careful!" 

Serena was worried. Pancham did a great job in making the stone edge staircase-like compared to what the move normally did, but it was still precarious. What she really needed was a rope, net or sticky substance to stop people from falling. If only one of her pokemon knew-

"Use string shot!" Serena turned around in suprise. Behind her was May and her beautifly along with Drew. She watched as May's beautifly used string shot on the sides of the window and connected then to the ground, making a railing for Serena's staircase. She and Drew also had Beautify and Butterfree strung several string shots along the wall to make a saftey net.

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