Chapter 3: Finding Eddie

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"We're in the Forrest Hills trailer park in east Roane County. We don't have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning."

Aria and Dustin were shocked to hear the news when the door bell rang.It was max. As exited as she was to see Aria she had to tell the siblings something.

She told them about how she saw Chrissys body in Eddies trailer this morning. And that she also saw them the day before. "Yeah I saw them too" Aria said "After we left the school I saw how Chrissy got in Eddies van.

Max said that even though they haven't said Eddies name yet he is probably suspect number one. "That's crazy" Dustin said "when Highschool started Lucas made all of his sport friends Mike and me? I mean, no one was nice to us.No one except Eddie". Aria put her hand on her brothers back.

Max telling the siblings about something else that has happened after she saw Eddie and Chrissy. She told them that her TV went crazy and the lights were all weird. But also that she heard a scream and when she looked out of the window she saw Eddie running to his van and driving away.

"The look on his face. He was scared.Really scared", Max said "Maybe he was scared because he just killed someone but maybe...maybe" Dustin finishes her sentence "maybe because something else killed her"

"There's only one person who knows what actually happened" Dustin said. "Eddie" Aria said quietly "Let's go"
As they walked out Ms Henderson told them to stay worrying about her children. But they both just said "we'll be careful, love you bye" at the same time and left. They got into the car and drove to family video.

When they got to the store Dustin didn't even say hello he just asked "how many phones do you have?"
Steve answered "Two.Why ?" but Robin corrected him saying "Technically three, if you count Keiths"

Dustin threw his bag over the counter and immediately jumping after totally ignoring Steve yelling at him.Aria and Max go around the counter while Dustin tells Steve why he needs the computer.

Aria gives Steve a hug finally saying a real hello and he introduces her to Robin. Robin tells them that Saturday is their busiest day so she asks if calling Eddies friends is an emergency. While Dustin is still on the computer Max and Aria told Robin and Steve everything they know.

After a while Dustin, Max and Robin were all on the phone asking for Eddie, if anyone has seen him or heard from him. When all of the sudden Max smashed the phone down turning around saying "Hey guys. I might have a lead"

Max tells them that Eddie gets his drugs from a guy named Reefer Rick and that sometimes Eddie crashes as his place but he Problem was that no one knew him or his last name.

Steve then said something about going to the cops and telling them everything but that just started an argument where Dustin told him that he should try to find Eddie harder. "Someone has to a attend to the customers" "Especially if they're babes right"Robin said winking at her friend which made Aria laugh "I already know that we will be very good friends" she said smiling at Robin.

But then Robin had an idea. "Maybe we don't need a last name" she went to the computer typing something in. "Twelve Ricks have accounts here"

"Rick Aldermans latest rentals: Annie and Dumbo"Robin read out loud she then turned to Max "what are the chances our drug dealer has a family ?" "Not likely" Max answered.

"Rick Conroy : sixteen candles, teen wolf, Romancing the stone"Robin said reading the latest rentals of the next Rick. "No" all of the others said in choir.

"Rick Joiner: Mask.Footloose and Grease" Robin said. When everyone said "nah" so she read the next one "Rick Kimbrough: Blue Lagoon& Splash" everyone laughed and Aria said "Definitely not"

"Rick Lipton: Fast times at Ridgemont High, Cheech & Chong's next move, Cheech & Chong's nice Dreams and Cheech &Chongs up in smoke"
"Lipton?" Aria asked.
"Spelled like the tea.2121 Holland Roach" answered Robin.

"That's out by Lovers Lake"Max said "Middle of nowhere" Aria said "It's a perfect place to hide" while already getting ready to leave. All 5 of them left the place and got into Steves car.

When they got to Reefer Ricks house it was already dark outside.Dustin rang the bell but no one answered so he rang it again...and again. "Eddie! It's Dustin!" he screamed."Jesus do you have to be so loud D ?" he gave his sister a annoyed look and started yelling again "look we just wanna talk okay"

All of them started to go around a bit looking through the windows when Aria shouted "Hey guys?" she was looking at a shed which had a light in front of the door that was on.

They got to the shed and started looking around before going in. Steve took an oar and stared to kinda stab into a boat that had a tarp on top.
"What are you doing ?" Dustin asked angrily. Steve answered "He might be in here" Dustin gave his sister a "he is crazy" look and she said "so take the tarp of" "If you're so brave, you take the tarp off.

The girls were looking at a table full of empty food wrappers. "Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran" Robin said but Dustin sarcastically told her "don't worry Steve will get him with his oar"

All of the sudden Eddie jumps out from under the tarp scaring everyone. He jumps out of the boat and pushes Steve against the wall holding a broken glass bottle against Steves throat.

"Woah.Woah.Woah Eddie!Eddie!Stop! It's me. It's Dustin...This is Steve" Dustin said trying to calm Eddie down "He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?"
"Right yeah" Steve whispered. He dropped his oar on the floor.

"What are you doing here ?" Eddie asked them.
"We're looking for you" Dustin told him. "We're here to help"Robin said. Dustin started to introduce everyone "you know Robin from band . This is my friend max. The one who never wants to play D&D" Aria interrupted her brother "And you remember me from yesterday right ? Aria?" "Yeah my older sister"Dustin said"

They told Eddie that they are on his side and swore on Dustins and Arias mom. Eddie finally trusted them and let go of Steve.

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