Chapter 7: Eddie & Aria

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Aria woke up hearing Eddie over the Walkie-Talkie "Hey Dustin this is Eddie the banished.You there?" She took the Walkie-Talkie "Hey it's Aria" she smiled in relieve finally hearing from him.

"Aria!" He shouted "I'm gonna need a food delivery like really soon, unless you want me going out into the world". "No. No,no, no don't do that. Aria told him "Stay were you are and I'm gonna be there as soon as I can"

"Listen,um can you pick me up a six-pack?" Eddie asked and Aria just rolled her eyes. Aria looked behind her noticing that Max was gone and hung up on Eddie.

She woke up her brother "Aren't you supposed to be on Max watch ?" He answered her while still not being completely awake "yep, yep, yep sorry"

"Then where is she ?" Aria asked and they both looked at the empty sofa. Dustin tried to explain himself "I just dozed off for..." he looked at his watch "an hour"

Aria gave him an angry look...that look that older siblings give their younger siblings when they really fucked up.They both ran upstairs only to find Max sitting at the kitchen table drawing on some paper.

Aria sat down next to Max who immediately stopped her music and took of her headphones. "You okay ?" Aria asked her. Max told her that she couldn't sleep cause everyone blasted music into her ears the whole night. They both chuckled quietly.

That's when Aria noticed the drawings on the table "Is this what you saw last night ?". "I mean, it's supposed to be.Max answered her "I thought it'd be easier to draw it out than to explain it, but..." she paused "not so much"

Max started to explain about what she saw. Dustin sat down next to the girls as Max told them about how Vecna seemed surprised like he didn't want her to be there.

"Maybe you infiltrated his mind" Dustin told her "He invaded you mind, right? Is it that big a leap to suggest you somehow wound up his?"

As Nancy was now also in the kitchen sitting at the table Dustin picked up one of the drawings "maybe the answer we're looking is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing."

Nancy looked at the drawing and started to flip them around and fold them to create something new. Dustin, Max and Aria were looking at her trying to figure out what she's doing.

She put the pieces together and took a sharpie to draw a shape of a house that she saw.(very confusing sentence...I know) "it's pieces of a house" Max said. Nancy answered her as she fished drawing "not just any house. It's Victor Creel's house."

They went down to the basement and woke the others telling them about the house. As all of them went to the car Aria told them that she's gonna bring some food to Eddie and that they should keep her updated.

So while the others drove to the Creel house Aria went to pick up some food and the six pack for Eddie. She then drove to the place where Eddie was hiding.

She opened the door only to almost get attacked by a scared Eddie Munson. "Jesus" she exclaimed "you scared me". Eddie put down the broken glass bottle he had as a wedding and said "Sorry love I didn't know you were gonna be here this soon."

Both of them sat down and Aria gave Eddie the stuff she got him. He took one of the beer cans and opened it before asking "you want one ?" Aria took one of the cans and opened it. He raised his can "Cheers". Aria gave him a smile before doing the same "cheers".

"I wanted to thank you" Aria told Eddie who looked her deeply in the eyes "that you're looking after D. I mean we both know he isn't the best at making new friends..." Eddie gave her a smile.

"Yeah..." he chuckled "like he was wearing a Weird AL t- Shirt..."he lowered his voice and shook his head "a fucking Weird AL shirt".

Aria looked down "man, I should have been here not only for helping him with that" she took a small break " look at everything that's happening I'm really scared that something's gonna happen to him."

"We won't let that happen" Eddie said taking Arias hand and giving her an encouraging smile. They stare at each other for a little while before they hear someone in front of ricks house. They got to the window and saw Jason and his friends looking for Eddie.

Eddie quickly tried to contact the others over the Walkie-Talkie but no one answered them. They didn't stop looking out of the window. Aria and Eddie looked at the boat that was in the middle of the shed and then looked at each other both with the same idea in mind.

They both got in the boat and started paddling. Then they suddenly heard Jason scream "hey freak! Where do you think you're going?"

"Go Go Go Go Go !" Aria screamed at Eddie who stopped paddling but he stood up and tried to start the motor. Jason and Patrick both went into the water and started swimming towards the boat.

"Goddamn it!" Eddie screamed when the motor still didn't start. He went back to garb the paddle and he and Aria started paddling again.

As Jason got closer to the boat Eddie took a step forward so that he could stand in front of Aria and started to swing the paddle through the air "Hey,stay back,man! Stay back!"

They both looked at Patrick who stopped swimming when he suddenly got pulled under water before shooting out of the water like a bullet and flying in the air. Eddie took a step backwards euch made the boat flip and he and Aria both fell in the water.

They looked at Patrick and saw how every bone in his body started to break before he fell back into the water. Aria and Eddie started swimming for their lives. They got out of the water and ran to find a place to hide.

The next day they got to a building site and Eddie went to grab a mans Walkie-Talkie cause theirs was soaked with water.

"Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?" Eddie spoke into the Walkie-Talkie. "Eddie. Holy shit. Are you okay?" Dustin answered him. Eddie tried to stay calm saying "Nah man. pretty goddamn far from okay"

"Is my sister still with you" Dustin asked him. Aria took the Walkie-Talkie "Yeah D I'm here. We're at Skull Rock. You know it ?"
"Yeah. That's near Cornwallis..." Dustin answered "Hold tight. We're coming. We're coming."

Eddie took a long breath before putting down the Walkie-Talkie clearly holding back tears. Aria put her head on Eddies shoulder and he laid his head on hers while taking her hand.

                                     1167 words

Thanks for reading 🖤🖤

I really love the Aria and Eddie scenes in this chapter  hope you liked them as well.

As always gonna try to update as soon as I can 🤍

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