Chapter 4: Shot in the dark

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Eddie slowly sat down with a scared and traumatized look on his face. "Eddie we just want to talk" Dustin said while slowly bending down to be on eye level with Eddie. He reached out his hand to take the broken glass bottle out of Eddies hand.

But Eddie didn't let him. Aria knelt next to her brother "we want to know what happened"
Eddie sniffled and turned to look at her "you won't believe me" "Try us" max said standing behind Aria.

Everyone except for Dustin who was still in front of Eddie and Aria who was now sitting next to him was standing in front of him listening to what he told them "Her body just, like,lifted up into the air and,uh.."Eddie stopped talking so Aria put her hand on his back trying to calm him down a bit.

"And she just, like, hung there.In the air. And her bones...Uh,she..." Eddie whimpered trying to say what happened "Her bones started to snap.Her eyes, man.It...It was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling." Everyone looked shocked at him.

"I...I didn't know what to do,so I.." Eddie stuttered the words "I ran away. I left her there"
He looked at the others and turned away thinking that they didn't believe him.

"We believe you" Aria said and Eddie gave her a small glance. Dustin started to explain everything about the upside down and the monsters in it. They asked Eddie if he saw anything that night but he said "No man, there was nothing you could see or, uh...touch"

Dustin and Eddie started to connect the thing that happened to Vecnas curse. "Wait you mean that thing from D&D ? But that's just a game" Aria said trying to stay calm. "Who's Vecna" Steve asked.
Dustin and Eddie started to tell them that he is a spellcaster, a dark wizard.

"Delivery service" Dustin said the next time they visited Eddie. They brought him food and stuff he needs. While Eddie was stuffing honey comb cereal in his mouth Dustin and Aria started to tell him that they had some good news and some bad news.

They told him that the police is definitely looking for him and that they think that he killed Chrissy you could see the expression on his face change from scared to SCARED.

They told him that they have to find Vecna and kill him and that they have been through this before and that they had a girl with superpowers but the superpowers were gone. "Ok guys, calm down" Aria said " that might be a little much"

All of the sudden they heard sirens so Robin quickly said "tarp!". Aria helped Eddie get under the tarp and all the other ran to the window only to see that the police cars were driving away.

Robin,Steve,Max and Dustin went to find Nancy in the trailer park to tell her everything they know while Aria stayed with Eddie making sure that no one finds him."Sis do you copy?" Dustin said over a Walkie-Talkie "copy" Aria replied.

Dustin told her about everything they discussed and that Nancy and Robin left together cause Nancy wanted to check something. "Will you be okay ?" Aria asked Eddie and he answered her with a nod and a light smile.

She left and drove to the library where she found Nancy and Robin. Nancy gave her a quick hi and started to tell her and Robin about Victor Creel and how she thinks he could be Vecna.

But as soon as the librarian comes out she turned away and asked "Hi.sorry we're in a bit of a rush. Could we get the keys to the basement archives?" The lady turns around to get the key and Robin immediately starts talking again.

"Did I come off mean or condescending or something?" Robin asked and Nancy answered with a quick "No" turning to the librarian again."Alright ladies here you go. Have fun"

They went down to the basement where Nancy and Robin started going through some old newspaper articles while Aria starts moving around in the room not knowing what to look for.

After a while she asked the others "Anything...juicy over there?" But she only got disappointing answers "Nothing new" Nancy said "Yep same here "Robin replied.

Robin slowly looks around the corner of the computer trying to look at Nancy "What are we looking for exactly?" She got no reply so she knocked on the wood in a musical rhythm. Nancy sighed and looked at her and told her what they need.

She went to look for more newspapers and Aria and robin followed her." You do know that Steve and I are, like, totally not a thing right?Robin told Nancy who then looked up from a drawer and asked "what ?"

Robin started talking a lot trying to convince Nancy that she and Steve are not dating "Steve and I are just friends like platonic with a capital P" Aria turned to her and whispered " I think she got it"

Robin opened a drawer looking through it like the others. "Holy shit" she said "The weekly watcher. I can't believe they have this". Nancy gave her a quick stare asking "Don't they write about, like, Big foot and UFOs ?"

"First of all UFOs are absolutely real. Bigfoot I'm still at the fence about." Robin protested "But may I remind you we are looking for info on a dark wizard.If someone's gonna write about that..."

Aria finished her friends sentence "It's gonna be these weirdos" she took the tape with the newspaper articles on it and ran to the computers. While Aria put the tape in Robin sat down scrolling through the articles. "Ah, Elvis cloned by aliens" Navy read sarcastically. "You never know" Robin answered her.

Nancy and Aria were now walking around the room while Robin was still scrolling and scrolling. "Victor Creel claims vengeful demon killed family." Nancy and Aria turned around looking at the article she was reading. Robin then started reading the article out loud.

In the article it said that Victor believed his house was haunted by an ancient demon. And that he angered the demon which then murdered his family removing their eyes.

"Victor believed he was spared as a punishment." Nancy reads out loud. "That's pretty convenient for Victor" Aria said looking at Nancy. "Yeah or super-in convenient" Robin addressed. The girls put one and one tothetzet thinking that maybe a demon did in fact invade Victors home.

"It's just, this demon wasn't any old demon" Robin said. "It was Vecna" Aria whispered.

The girls left the library practically running to the car. "D do you copy ?" Aria asked her brother who immediately answered "Yeah I copy". "So Nancy is a genius" Aria told him "Vecnas first victims date back all the way to 1969" Robin took Arias hand pressing on the Walkie-Talkie "Her shot in the dark brown was a bulls-eye.

The girls laughed but were interrupted by Dustin who told them that he is at school right now breaking in to retrieve some files. "Can you repeat that?" Aria asked sounding like a worried mother.

"Just get your ass over here, Stat."

                                      1219 words

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it!
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( In the scene in the library Robin holds like a thingy with newspaper articles on it I called that "tape" cause I don't know what it's called 🫢)

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