Chapter 8: Mordor

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Aria and Eddie didn't talk the entire time they were sitting there. Until Eddie suggested they should go on top off the rock. Aria agreed maybe out of boredom maybe so she didn't had to think about Patrick...

"Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson" Steve said coming out of the bushes next the skull rock. "Doesn't make sense" Dustin answered looking at the rock and then his compass. "Yeah,yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can't admit it."Steve told him "you just can't admit that you're wrong, you butthead."

All of the sudden Eddie jumped down on the ground "I concur. You Dustin Henderson are a total butthead" Dustin went to give him a hug "Jesus, we thought you were a goner."

Eddie reached out his hand to help Aria get down from the rock. Dustin immediately hugged her and they stayed like this for a while.

"When we got to the shore, we tried calling you guys,but, uh..." Eddie started to explain "my walkie was busted" he took a sip from the water they brought before giving the bottle to Aria.

"So, uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently.I ran" Eddie told them. Nancy asked them if they knew when everything happened. And Eddie told them that he knows the time cause the walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked.

He took off his watch and threw it to Nancy who read the time out loud "9:27". "Same time our flashlights went kablooey" Robin stated. Nancy explained "that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick."

The others started talking about what they know and Aria looked at her brother who was walking back and forth looking at his compass.

"Hey, uh, Henderson's not, uh cursed, is he?" Eddie asked now noticing Dustin too."Cursed No,no.He's fine" Steve told him "Mental? Absolutely"

"Boom!" Dustin screamed "Bada...bada...boom. I was right. Skull Rock was north. "Seriously? You're serious ?" Steve asked him sarcastically before stating "This is Skull Rock. okay?"

Dustin started to explain about the compass asking Lucas "do you remember what can affect a compass?". "An electromagnetic field." Lucas answered. Dustin explained again.

"So either there's some super big magnet around here,or..." Dustin said. Lucas finished his sentence "there's a gate."

"What if there's another gate? A gate that we don't know about." Dustin said "Something is causing this disturbance, and the last time we've seen anything like it, it was a gate."

Dustin walked away before being stopped by Steve "Where are you going? Hey, hey, hey, hey. Eddie's still a wanted man. We can't just go for a hike in the woods.

"What say you, Eddie the banished?" Dustin asked Eddie. Eddie answered him "...But, uh, the Shire...the Shire is burning." Dustin was jumping up and down in excitement Eddie stood up and said "So Mordor it is." Before helping Aria get up from the ground as well.

Eddie and Aria walked over to Dustin and then everyone followed. Eddie ran back to get his stuff and all of them started to follow Dustin.

Dustin ran through the woods while the others tried to keep up with him. "Watch your step big guy" Eddie told Dustin who almost walked into Lover's Lake."There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max asked confused.

"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked" Nancy stated "it always left an opening". They all walked over to a boat and Eddie and Steve started to carry it into the water.

"Yeah I'm just gonna do that" Robin said while holding onto Steves and Eddies heads to get in the boat. Eddie went after her and helped Nancy and Aria get in. Dustin wanted to go next but Eddie pushed him back "hey,hey, hey, you trying to sink us? This thing holds 4 people tops, k?"

"It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble" Aria told her brother who impertinently said "You keep an eye out! It's my goddamn theory"

"You heard Aria" Robin said to him. "Who put her in charge?" Dustin asked while pointing his finger at Aria. Eddie took a step forward "I did". Aria reached out her hand to Dustin asking for his compass and he reluctantly gave it to her.

Steve pushed the boat into the water and stepped into it. "You said four!" Dustin protested. "Bedtime at nine, kiddos." Robin screamed while paddling the boat. "Miss you already" Aria shouted as she waved to Max, Lucas and Dustin.

After a while in the boat Nancy suddenly said "whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. Slow down guys." Robin and Eddie stopped paddling and turned to Nancy. They all looked at Dustins compass which was spinning around like crazy.

"Guys what's going on" Dustin said over the Walkie-Talkie. Robin took the walkie and told him "uh, Dustin, you compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital aah!".

Steve started taking off his shoes when Nancy asked him nervously what he was doing."Somebody's gotta go down there and check this thing out. Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years,then..." he paused as he was done taking of his socks "it's gotta be me. No complaints, all right?"

"Hey, I'm not complaining" Eddie said while he was taking a plastic bag out of his pocket "I do not want to go down there". He wrapped the plastic bag around the flashlight and gave it to Steve while wishing him good luck.

Eddie put one of his cigarettes in his mouth but just before he could light it Aria took it out again throwing it into the lake. "Steve, be careful" Nancy said to him as they both looked each other deep in the eyes. Aria and Robin both looked at them and then at each other and smiled.

Steve jumped into the lake leaving the others impatiently waiting for him. "Where're we at, wheeler?" Robin asked. "Closing in on a minute" Nancy replied while still looking at her watch.

Suddenly Steve came out of the water scaring everyone. "I found it" Steve said while swimming closer to the boat. He grabbed onto the boat and Robin delivered the news to Dustin. Suddenly Steve got pulled down by something leaving everyone in shock.

They all screamed his name and Nancy didn't even need 5 seconds before deciding to go after him. "Just wait here" she said before jumping in. Robin sat down on the side of the boat before Eddie tried to stop her from jumping in "what are you doing ? She said wait"

Robin pressed down on her nose before diving into the water. Eddie looked at Aria "no, no, no, no ,no, love,not you too she said wait!" "I'm sorry" Aria said sarcastically looking down but then standing up pretending to be a Olympic swimmer before jumping into the water.

"Goddamn it..." Eddie screamed "Oh, this is so stupid. This is so stupid. This is so stupid. Shit. Shit. Shit!" He jumped after them.

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