Chapter 12: The Plan

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After a while of just sitting in the caravan waiting for their friends, Eddie looked at Aria who had a worried look on her face "What's wrong, Sweetheart?" he asked.

"We barely made it out of there alive, now we wanna go back in ?" She asked him "And Max...I'm scared what if Kate bush can't save her this time ?" Her voice breaks as she says the last words.

Eddie put his hand on her cheek wiping away a small tear "it's gonna be okay. We can do this. For Hawkins." Aria looked at him and snuffed her nose "Everyone in Hawkins hates you but you still want to fight for them" she whispered. Aria reached up to his face and tucked his hair behind his ear before giving him a small smile.

They both looked each other deep in the eyes before Eddie started to move closer to Aria. He softly touched her lips with his but pulled away a second later looking for consent. Aria put her hand in his hair before pressing her lips against his.

Suddenly the door opened and Steve bursted in breaking up the kiss. "What happened ?!" Aria asked while jumping off the couch. "We gotta go" Steve told them followed by Erica "your old friends are here"

Everyone got back into the caravan and Steve started to drive. They got to a meadow were everyone started to prepare their weapons. Eddie and Dustin started hammering nails into garbage can lids while Nancy prepared her shotgun with max helping her.

Aria looked at Eddie who was messing around with Dustin she smiled and Robin noticed her. "You still gonna help us ?" she asked Aria while chuckling. Aria turned to look at her and gave her a fake annoyed look before sitting down next to her and Steve.

The three of them started to pour kerosene fuel into alcohol bottles. Steve and Robin told Aria about how they saw Robins crush in War Zone and that they were in a relationship. Steve tried to cheer her up by making sense out of everything but Robin stopped him "Steve I don't care. I don't understand why you do either with everything that's going on"

"I just have this terrible, gnawing feeling that..." Robin said "it might not work out for us this time."
They all took a deep breath and looked at their friends "if we don't stop him who will?" Robin said.

"Well" Aria said while taking another one of the alcohol bottles "if it doesn't work out for us..." she opened the bottle and raised it up "to us !" she said before taking a sip and shaking her head cause of the bad taste. She gave the bottle to Steve "to our friends!" He took a sip and Robin took the bottle "to saving the world".

After everyone was done preparing for the plan they got back into caravan. They drove to the Creel house where Max, Lucas and Erica got out.

Steve drove to near the trailer park and parked the caravan. "Okay. I wanna run through it one more time." Nancy said "Phase one. We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready. Phase two. Max baits Vecna. Phase three. Dustin, Eddie and Aria draw the bats away. Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied."

"Got it " everyone said at the same time before leaving the caravan. They ran to Eddie's trailer and went inside. Steve immediately started climbing up the rope to get to the upside down he landed on his feet and proudly looked up. Aria and Robin looked at each other "what does he want us to do, applaud?"

Steve got the mattress and laid it underneath the gate. Nancy took the rope and started to climb up. After that they threw all of their stuff and Nancy and Steve picked it up. Aria was next Eddie helped her climb the rope before going after her. Robin went next. Lastly Dustin came through and Aria helped him up after he landed on the mattress.

They all grabbed their stuff and went outside. "Hey guys listen. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort." Steve told them "Draw the attention of the bats. Keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care Vecna. Don't try to be heros or something"

"We get it Harrington" Aria told him " Don't worry we got this" " Absolutely. I mean look at us. We are not heroes." Eddie added. Robin, Nancy and Steve left.

Dustin, Eddie and Aria started to prepare the trailer so that no bats could come in. They looked at their finished work "Not bad" Eddie said smiling first at Dustin then at Aria."Now for the fun part"

They went back inside the trailer and opened the door to Eddie's room. "Jesus Christ" Eddie said as they all looked at his guitar "it's like...she was destined for an alternate dimension. What do you say hendersons ?" he asked as he grabbed his guitar "Are you guys ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world ?"

"That a rhetorical question?"

"She's in. Move on to phase three." they heard Robin over the Walkie-Talkie. Aria grabbed the walkie and told her "Copy that. Initiating phase three." Dustin turned up the volume of the speakers that they put on the roof of Eddie's trailer.

Eddie took of his necklace "Chrissy, this is for you." he said before starting to play "Master of puppets" by Metallica. Aria and Dustin both looked at him playing it like a rockstar.

Dustin looked through his Binoculars but the bats weren't close yet. After a bit he looked through them again now seeing the swarm of bats coming their way. "Eddie! We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!" Dustin screamed. Eddie nodded while continuing playing.

"T-minus 20!"

Eddie started shredding the guitar solo while Aria and Dustin looked at the bats.

"T-minus 10!"

Eddie finished the solo and they started running down first jumping on the car and then down to the ground. They ran inside closed the door only barely getting in before the bats could get them.

"Dude! Most metal ever!" Dustin screamed and the three started jumping up and down while screaming in excitement.

They all formed a circle while the bats tried to get in.
They could here the bats slamming against the walls. Suddenly everything went quite "Hey dipshits! Give up that easy, hug?" Dustin screamed. Aria gave him a little punch with her elbow "Shh!"

"Is that really necessary?" Eddie asked him furiously while still trying to whisper.
Then they heard clattering up on the roof "They're on the roof" Eddie said.

They all slowly walked across the room following the sound of the bats. They looked at  a vent on the ceiling "They can't get in through there, can they?"  Dustin asked before one of the bats busted open the vent and shrieked at them.

They all started yelling and took their spears to kill the bats. Eddie took a few steps back while Aria and Dustin still tired to keep the bats out "Eddie! We need you!" Aria screamed.

Eddie grabbed a chair "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Aria pushed Dustin out of the way and Eddie put the chair down and stepped on it it. He took his shield and slammed it on the vent keeping the bats out for good.

Dustin gave Eddie a high five. Eddie jumped back down on the floor and gave Aria a kiss on the head.
"Are there any other vents?" Dustin asked. Aria and Dustin both looked at Eddie "Oh shit" he said before running to his room . The bats bursted through the vent and Eddie quickly closed the door.

The bats started slamming on the door "That's not gonna hold!" Dustin screamed. Aria grabbed the rope that was still hanging in the middle of the room and gave it to Dustin "Go! Go! Go! Go!"

Dustin quickly started climbing up the rope and landed on the other side. Aria took the rope and gave it to Eddie but he refused "You go first!" Aria started climbing up the rope. Dustin helped her up after the fall and they both looked up "Come on Eddie !" Aria screamed.

Eddie took the rope and started climbing up before looking back at the door. Aria and Dustin both screamed at him "Come on! Lets go!"
"Eddie" Aria said worriedly as he went back down "What are you doing? Eddie, no!" Eddie took his spear, cut the rope and moved the mattress.

"Eddie, stop! Eddie, stop!" Dustin and Aria screamed.
"Eddie what are you doing?!"
Eddie took his shield and looked up "I'm buying more time."

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