Chapter 10: Nancys Fall

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Eddie starts started doing the Morse code and after a while Erica, Dustin and Lucas noticed.

They figured out a way to communicate by taking a toy from holly which has many small lamps on it. So everyone started looking for it and after they found it, they went up into Nancy's room and waited for the others.

Then they heard Dustin's voice again "...seeing this?". Around the toy there were also these small particles now. Nancy put her hand on them and they started to glow and they heard Dustins laugh.

Dustin told them that they are unplugging it "Try it now". Nancy started to write "HI" in the air. "That worked" Dustin said and all of them screamed in excitement.

Nancy started to write again first the letters S T U and then C K everyone around her started nodding their heads and saying "yes we are" They all Heard- Dustin's voice echoing "...watergate?" "What the hell's Watergate?" Steve asked. Aria looked at him "Cause it's in water and it's a gate"

"That's cute" Eddie said. Nancy just started writing again "GUARDED". "We think Watergate isn't the only gate. That there's a gate at every murder site." Dustin said but the 5 couldn't understand all of it so Nancy wrote a question mark.

"How many times do I have to be right on the money before you trust me?" Dustin screamed. "Jesus Christ. This kids gotta get his ego in check" Steve said. "It's his tone. Right?" Eddie said while leaning forward.

Nancy asked Eddie how far away his trailer is and he answered 7 miles. So Aria asked her "I know your house here is, like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time but haven't you always had bikes?"

They ran outside and got the bikes "Nancy I'm not good at math but we are five people and those are four bikes.. that doesn't add up" Robin told her. Nancy just pointed at the back of Mike's bike which had like a little place where someone could sit.

They all grabbed their bikes leaving Aria to sit on the back of Mikes bike behind Eddie. They started riding the bikes really fast and Aria hold very tight to Eddie's shirt cause she was very close to falling off.

They arrived at the trailer park and Eddie pointed at one of the trailers "it's right here"

They threw the bikes on the ground and went inside they looked up and saw that the whole ceiling was full with vines and in the middle there was like a closed gate "This is where Chrissy died" Eddie told them "Like, right where she died"

Suddenly something started pushing from the other side and it broke through all 5 of them screamed and took a step back. Steve went to look what it was and the others slowly followed him. They all looked up and saw Erica, Max, Dustin and Lucas on the other side but they were upside down.

The 4 kids started laughing and waving and the others waved back.

"How are we gonna get back?" Aria asked Nancy. Suddenly Dustin screamed "I've got an Idea!" he went into Eddies room and Max, Lucas and Erica followed him while the others waited.

Dustin came back and started to knot together some bed sheets and blankets to make a rope. Max and Lucas got Eddies mattress and laid it down on the floor underneath the gate.

"Those stains are, uh" Eddie started and looked at Aria "I dunno what those stains are" Robin and Aria looked at each other and then back at the gate.

Dustin took the rope he made and said "Not quite sure how these physics work. But, uh" he took a small break before throwing one side of the rope through the gate "here goes nothing"

"There we go" Dustin said after the rope touched the floor in the upside down "And if my theory is correct..." he let go of the rope and it stayed at the same position "All right, pull on it! See if it holds!"

Robin took the rope and started to pull on it. It didn't move and everyone started laughing "D you are a genius!" Aria screamed to her brother.

"Guess I'm the guinea pig" Robin said as she took the rope and started climbing up. As soon as she went through the gate she started to fall onto the mattress "oh thank god. That was fun"

Robin, Nancy, Aria and Eddie looked at each other before Eddie said "All right, guess I'll go" he took the rope and climbed to the other side. "That was fun. Shit" he said after landing on the mattress.

Aria took a deep breath before climbing up the rope. She landed on the mattress and laughed "I want to go again" Eddie laughed and helped her up leaving his hand on her hip as she was standing next to him. They all looked up to Steve and Nancy now.

Suddenly Steve started to yell her name and he grabbed her by her shoulders trying to wake her up. "Vecna" Max said as they all relished what's going on.

  Obviously there are gonna be vol 2 spoilers now ⚠️
Everyone except Erica ran into Eddies room trying to help Nancy. "Steve says you need to hurry" Erica screamed as she ran into the room. "What is all this shit?" Robin asked while holding up Eddies cassettes. "I mean what are you even looking for ?"
"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles ? Music! We need music!" Robin told Eddie while still going through the cassettes.

"THIS IS MUSIC!" Eddie screamed angrily while holding up an Iron Maiden cassette. Suddenly they heard Steve shout "Guys!" They ran to the gate and saw that Nancy was awake. They all took a relieved breath and Steve helped Nancy get through the gate before going after her.

They all left Eddies trailer and ran to the other side of the road. They got into Max trailer. Eddie, Steve and Aria sat down on the couch and Nancy started to tell everyone what happened.

"He showed me things that haven't happened yet. The most awful things. I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this...this giant creature with.. a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters. An army. And they were coming into Hawkins. Into our neighborhoods. Our homes. And then...he showed me my mom. And holly. Mike. And they...they were all..." Nancy stopped as she started to cry.

"Okay but...he's just trying to scare you, Nance." Steve told her "Right? I mean... I mean it's not real"
"Not yet" Nancy said quietly "But there...there was something else. He showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. And these gates, they looked like the one outside of Eddie's trailer, but...they didn't stop growing. And this wasn't the upside down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins. Our home."

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