Chapter 1

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The dining hall was pretty much quiet. There were just clinking sounds of utensils against the dishes of delicious food. No one talked. The Pevensies were quite uncomfortable with the quiet environment around them, but there wasn't much for them to do.

"I'm home." A female voice rang in the hall of the mansion after a sound of a closing door.

The Pevensies were surprised. They didn't know there was another female living in this mansion besides Mrs. Macready. They didn't even expect a young girl to live here.

"Ah there you are, Sara." Professor said.

The four siblings looked over to the door and their mouths were almost dropped. She was gorgeous. Big black eyes, button nose, plum lips, rosy cheeks, pale skin and long black hair. She was wearing a dark blue dress.

"Yes, Grandpa." She smiled. Then, her gazes fell on the four new comers.

"Good evening." She said "You must be the Pevensies."

A young girl with freckles smiled at her.

"Hi." She greeted "I'm Lucy Pevensie. These are my siblings, Peter, Susan and Edmund."

"Pleasure to meet you all. I'm Sarafine, but call me Sara for short." She said "Please, continue your meal. I'll be in my room down the hall if you want to have a talk or something."

With that, she left. There were no conversation in the room anymore. Well, not until Professor Kirke spoke up.

"While you are living with us, I would like to ask you to do me one favor." He said "If you want to help."

"We will do it if it is possible." Peter said.

"It's about Sarafine. She has hardly been herself ever since her parents died in the war. She has no friend, she became dull and lifeless. I'm afraid this could get worse."

"So, you mean you want us to help her." Susan concluded.

Professor nodded.

"Only you four can help her." He said "Only you four can bring life back to her soul."


The young ones looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity in there. He really cared for his granddaughter.

"We will try the best we can." That was all they could possibly say at the moment. They wasn't sure that they could actually help. They didn't even know if they were welcomed by her just to talk to. But still, they knew that they wanted to do this, to help, to befriend her.

"Thank you." The Professor couldn't be happier "Actually, that smile she gave you earlier was the first real smile she ever gave for years."

After that, they retreated to their rooms. Surprisingly, Sarafine's room was just across from the Pevensies'. It was still early, so they gathered all courage to knock her door. It didn't even take a minute for Sara to open the door and greeted them.

"Wanting a conversation?" She raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"Yes." Lucy smiled widely while the eldest was scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Come on in."

They came in to see a bigger version of theirs. The boys sat down on the soft carpet while the girls sat down on her bed. The boys were actually shy to death while the girls just be comfortable. Sara seemed to notice.

"Is this your first time in a girl's room?" She asked. They shyly nodded, making the girl giggle. Actual GIGGLE!

"Sara? You don't seem to be a talker, or a smiley one." Lucy said.

"I'm not used to do those things." Sara shrugged "I have always been a weird kid at school. I have no friends. My only family is my grandpa and Mrs. Macready. I suppose it is not so surprising if I don't talk all day and hang around with myself all the time."

"You have friends, you know that?" Susan said.


"Us." Peter looked straight into her eyes for the first time and figured out how beautiful they were "We can be your friend. You're not weird."

"Not at all." Edmund nodded.

"Thanks, guys." She said "Anyway, I don't know how old you are."

"I'm 10." Lucy raised her hand up as if she was volunteering to answer a question at school. A cute action, that was.

"12." It was Edmund. He sure wasn't much of a talkative guy either.

"14." Susan said.

"You look prettier than any 14-year-old girl could be, you know." Sara said.

"Oh please." Susan smiled.

"And I'm 15." Peter said.

"And your age is..." Everyone turned their gazes to the dark haired girl on the bed.

"4 guesses." She said.

"Uhm... Are you 10?" Edmund asked.

"Let me see..." She acted like she was thinking "Nope. Wrong. One down, three to go."

"But you are so small."

"Don't judge a book by its cover." She said.

"Uhm... 11?" It was Susan.

"Still wrong. Two more to go."

"15." Lucy guessed.

"Nope. I'm not that old." She shook her head "Last chance. Your turn, Peter."

"You are... Let me see... Uhm..."

"Ugh, Peter. Just guess a number." Edmund rolled his eyes.

"Wait wait." Peter said "I'm guessing according to her look."

"If you do it, you will probably end up like Edmund." Susan said "Guessing her younger."

"You are..." Peter totally ignored his sister "13."


"Am I right?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm 13." She nodded "Good job."

His brown eyes stared into her black ones. He was mesmerized by them. They were so black, like the darkest night.

Someone cleared their throat.


Peter and Sara snapped back to reality and blushed as Susan smirked at the couple. Then, Lucy yawned.

"I guess little miss here is tired." Sara said "You should go to bed now."

"Goodnight Sara." They said as they went out.

"Night night."


This is such a piece of crap for the first chapter. I really have to improve my writing skills, and ideas.

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