Chapter 8

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"Come on." Maugrim snarled "We've been through this before. We both know you haven't got it in you."

Peter pointed his sword at the wolves as they circled him. It was an unbalanced fight for Peter, one against two.

When Susan was near the river with Lucy, Maugrim and another wolf snuck up near them. Luckily Susan had her horn with her and she blew it. When Peter and Sara came, they were on a tree as the wolves standing below.

Aslan and his soldiers came to the site. The lion pinned one wolf down under his paws, leaving Maugrim to Peter. Sara was about to run to him but Aslan stopped her.

"No! Stay your weapon. This is Peter's fight."

Sara looked at the two of them worriedly. Then, she noticed another wolf sneaking up behind the two sisters. It looked like it was going leap at them. Without thinking, she threw herself in between and held her hands up.

"No!" She shouted at the same time as it leaped up.

She closed her eyes, thinking of the worse, but it didn't come. She opened her eyes again to see the wolf struggling in midair against a black mist-kind substance. More surprising, the substance was released from Sara's palms (I really don't know how to describe this, so just imagine black Wanda Maximoff). She moved her palms to the left, and the wolf floated to the same direction. She threw it backward, it hit a tree, fell down and laid still. It was dead.

She turned back to see Susan and Lucy looked at her in awe, Aslan gave a proud smile. Maybe this was the power Santa talked about.

They turned back to Peter and Maugrim as they heard a growl.

"You may think you're a king." Maugrim sneered at the boy "But you're going to die... Like a dog!"

As soon as he finished his little 'speech', he leaped at Peter. They both fell on the ground, and laid still. Lucy and Susan rushed to the two figures.


They pushed the wolf off Peter to see him perfectly fine. Okay maybe he was terrified, but he was alive and kicking. They pulled him into a group hug and smiled. Aslan let go of the last wolf and turned to his soldiers.

"Follow him." He gave his order "He'll lead you to Edmund."

Oreius nodded and ran off. Sara came near Aslan with an unreadable expression on her face. Her breath was uneven as if she had gone through some kind of shock. Well, I think she did.

"This is my power?" She asked him, but still looking at her hands.

"It is, my dear." Aslan said with his warm voice "Some called it darkness, some called it shadow. You were born from the dark, your power was destined to be dark."

"I thought darkness is evil." She said "Am I evil, father?"

"Your power is both good and evil. You need to use it wisely, dear. Don't let your anger overtake your true colors."

Sara looked shocked, and scared. She didn't say anything, just turned around on her heels and ran to the cliff. Peter was about to run after her, but Aslan stopped him.

"Give her some time, Peter. She need time to take in all the information." He said "Now, clean your sword."

The boy wiped the blood on his sword off and kneeled down in front of Aslan. The lion put his paw on the boy's shoulder, then put it down.

"Rise, sir Peter Wolf's-Bane, Knight of Narnia."


"Edmund!" Lucy called out happily as Aslan and Edmund walked toward the other three.

"What's done is done." Aslan said "There's no need talking to Edmund about what is past."

Then, the great lion left, leaving Edmund and his siblings. He looked shyly at them, probably feeling guilty.

"Hello." He said sheepishly.

Susan and Lucy gave him a big, suffocating, bone-crushing hug and almost tackled him. They were so worried about him, but he was fine.

"Are you alright?" Susan asked.

"I'm a little tired." He said.

"Get some sleep." Peter said, sounded a bit harsh, but as Edmund walked away with a frown, he continued "And Edmund, try not to wander off again."

Edmund started walking to his and Peter's tent, but something popped up in his mind and stopped him. He turned around.

"Where's Sara?"

"She's on the cliff." Lucy said.

"She need time alone to digest some information." Susan sighed.

"Okay." Edmund didn't know what to say besides that.

Edmund left to take a rest, and Peter looked up the cliff. She was sitting on a large rock, hugging her knees tightly to her chest. Her hair were blew backward by the wind. She looked so lonely, and sad. And after a fight in his own mind, he made the decision.

He would go up there and talk to her.


"You're okay?"

Peter sat down next to Sara. She didn't move and kept looking forward at Cair Paravel.

"Not so good." She said "Too many things to digest at once."

"I know."

They took a moment of silence. Sara was less tense than before and leaned her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kept her near. Then, he broke the silence.



"Do you think we are the ones?" He asked "The Kings and Queens in the prophecy?"

"Why?" She looked into his eyes "You doubt it?"

"A little." He shrugged "I couldn't even protect Ed. I don't think I can protect Narnia."

"Just believe in yourself, Peter. Anything can happen." She said "And speaking of Edmund, is he back?"

"Yeah. And went straight to bed."

"Let's go back, I want to see him." She chuckled "And I absolutely don't want to miss our meal."


I don't know, but I kinda feel like this chapter is such a filler. Even I think it's boring ;( Well I'm pretty sure that's the next one is going to be good, and probably long. Keyword: probably.

Comment and vote please. Love ya all :*

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