Chapter 12

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Sara woke up with sunlight shining on her face through between the thick curtains. She sat up and climbed off her gigantic bed, her feet touched the cold stone floor. After stretching herself, she reached for the curtains and flung them over the sides, letting the warming sunlight pour into the big bedroom. Opening the window, she took a deep breath of fresh morning air and smiled. This was the day. The coronation day.

Someone knocked the wooden door.

"Your Highness, we're here to help you get ready for your coronation."

"Come in."

A female faun, few fairies, dryads and Mrs. Beaver came into the room. Sara smiled at them as they bowed politely. Then, Sara's beauty revolution began. She took a bath and cleaned herself perfectly. Mrs. Beaver brought a gorgeous purple gown with a gold layer under (I don't know how to describe it, so the picture is on the side), and they helped her put it on. It hugged her curves perfectly. She sat in front of the mirror as they brushed her black hair until it shined like copper and put it into a triple-knotted braid before placing wild flowers in it. She smiled at her reflection. She couldn't believe she could actually look good like this.

"It's time, Your Highness."

Everyone left. She took the last look before wearing her necklace and ring on and went out of the room. She walked pass Susan's and Lucy's rooms and met them as the two walked out. They were all gorgeous.

"Wow, Susan." Sara said "You look amazing."

"You're kidding me?" She joked "Look at yourself."

They laughed.

"Nervous?" Lucy asked.

"Very." The two older girls said.

"Let's go."


Peter and Edmund, both dressed handsomely, stood next to Oreius and talked. They were anxious. Later, they would become Kings of Narnia, and ruled this wonderful and miraculous land. From kids of Finchley, they became Kings of a land no one in their world may know of.

"Wonder how the girls look like?" Edmund asked.

"I think you don't have to wonder any more." Oreius motioned them to look behind.

The two boys turned around and gasped. At the end of the hall stood the three girls. Lucy was in a very cute, floor length dress. Susan, dressed in light blue, looked as beautiful as usual. They even felt that Susan had grown to look more like their mother. But above all, Peter only stared at Sara with his mouth almost dropped. She, in her purple and gold dress, looked just like a goddess. Her hair braided beautifully and had wild flowers in it, making it look absolutely stunning. She smiled shyly and a blush made it way to her cheeks as she approached to two boys.

"You look..." Peter was speechless "Just... Wow."

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself."

"Oi, love birds." Susan snapped them out of their stares "Save that for later."

"It's time." Oreius said.

The five kids walked up the aisle of Cair Paravel in the throne room. All centaurs, fauns, dryads and talking beasts were on both sides, watching. Up the steps stood five thrones with significant carvings. Two stood next to each other, stood out of all, were for the High King and High Queen. There were two smaller thrones next to the High Queen's and one next to the High King's. They went up the steps and stood in front of their thrones. Aslan stood on one side, and Mr. Beaver and Mr. Tumnus went up with five crowns in their hands.

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