Chapter 10

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"Susan." Lucy whispered loudly to wake her soundly sleeping sister.

The little girl woke up in the middle of the night and looked outside, seeing two familiar figures walking away from camp. Knowing who that was, she woke up Susan. They put their cloaks on and went after those two. They went behind the bushes, walked in silence after the two figures and tried not to be noticed. But their efforts soon be in vain as Aslan noticed them. What could he not notice? He knew everything.

"Shouldn't you two be in bed?" He asked.

"We couldn't sleep." Lucy explained while they were walking out.

"Please, Aslan." Susan said "Couldn't we come with you?"

Aslan looked at Sara, who was wearing a black and dark blue dress and standing next to him, then gave her a small nod and a sad smile. Sara understood that these two girls were going to see what was going to happen to her and Aslan, and if Aslan said no, they would follow eventually, so she nodded back.

"We would be glad of the company for a while." He said "Thank you."

Lucy grasped his golden mane, and Susan went next to Sara and grasped the Princess's arm, squeezing slightly. Sara didn't look up, she didn't want to look into Susan's concerning eyes. She was afraid that if she did, she would break down and cry. But Susan didn't know. The girl felt strange about that action, but she didn't say anything. They walked with each other, of course in silence, for Aslan and Sara were not in the mood to talk. After a walked with each other, they were near the Stone Table. Sara sighed heavily, trying to hold back tears as Aslan stopped and turned to look at Susan and Lucy.

"It is time." His voice sounded sad indeed "From here, we must go on alone."

"But Aslan..." Susan was about to protest, but Aslan cut her.

"You have to trust me. For this must be done." He said "Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. And farewell."

Susan grabbed Lucy's little hand and led her away. But she hadn't gone more than few steps when Sara called her back. Susan turned around to see the Princess looking at her, with eyes that couldn't look sadder. Sara was trying to hold back her tears, but she was already on edge of crying.

"Tell Peter." She said with her shaky voice "Tell him I'm sorry. For everything."

In the moonlight, Susan could see the spark of tears rolled down Sara's cheeks. Without waiting for Susan to nod or say anything, she turned around and walked to the Stone Table with Aslan. They disappeared inside.


"Behold." The White Witch said "The great lion and his daughter."

A minotaur poked Aslan with a sharp end of its axe before slamming it against the lion's body, knocking him down. Ginarrbrik, a minion dwarf of the Witch, kicked Sara from behind her leg, making her yelp in pain and fell down on her knees. Then, it hit her behind the back and knocked her down next to her lion father. The crowd cheered, knowing that they would success killing the great leaders of Narnia.

But what they didn't know that there were two young girls watching from outside. They were Susan and Lucy. Before, Susan led her sister away, not back to the camp, but towards the Stone Table. They saw what happened, and only Aslan and Sara knew their appearance there.

"Why don't they fight back?" Lucy whispered.

The Witch, without knowing the appearance of the two girls at the Stone Table, looked rather happy at the sight of the great lion and the wonderful princess. After this night, she would be able to take over Narnia, and killed the Kings and Queens. There would be no more true king of Narnia, only her, the true queen of Narnia.

"Bind them." She said with her icy cold voice.

Two hairy dwarfs came up with ropes in their hands. One tied Aslan's legs together and muzzled him, and the other one tied Sara's hands behind her back, her legs and threw her next to Aslan. She landed hard on her side and grunted in pain.

"Wait." The Witch said "Let him first be shaved."

Sara let out a small gasp as those creatures came up to her father and shaved away his gorgeous golden mane. She felt anger boiling inside her veins.

"Don't you dare." She sneered, but only to gain a hard kick in the stomach from a dwarf.

"Bring him to me." The White Witch said.

The creatures dragged Aslan away from Sara, leaving her on a side of the Stone Table. They threw them under the Witch's feet. She kneeled down in front of him.

"You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you." She said with her fake soft voice "Did you honestly think by all this you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your life and saving no one. So much for love." She stood up "Tonight, the Deep Magic will be appeased. But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever. In that knowledge, despair and die."

She plugged the Stone Knife into Aslan's chest. His eyes widened in pain and slowly closed. His chest stopped rising and falling from breathing. Warmth slowly left his body.

"The Great Cat is dead." The Witch informed "Now, bring me the girl."

The creatures threw Sara down harshly under the Witch's feet. Again, she kneeled down and gave an evil smile. A smile of satisfaction, of death.

"My dear Princess." She said "Any death wish before I send you after your father?"

Being a brave one, she spat at the Witch's face and gave her a small laugh as she wiped the saliva on her cheek.

"Go to hell, Witch." She said in a low tone "You will never get Narnia."

With anger, the Witch stabbed her with the Stone Knife that was already soaked with her father's blood. She gasped in pain and jolted up a bit before hitting her head back to the ground. Her breathed slowed and her vision blurred. But before she was engulfed by darkness, she heard the last words.

"The Princess is dead." The Witch said "And her boyfriend, the future High King, will soon join her side."


Then, she drifted into the darkness, the last teardrop slipped out from the corner of her closed eyes.



Peter's eyes flung open and he jolted up from his position in bed. He thought someone was calling his name, but maybe that was just a nightmare. But somehow, he felt like something bad had just happened. He started getting sweaty and his heart was beating fast.

What's going on? He asked himself.

Then, wind blew petals into the camp and into his and Edmund's tent. Confused, they walked out and drew their swords. As soon as they were outside, they were greeted by a dryad.

"Be still, my Princes." She said "I bring grave news from your sisters."

Peter went inside his tent again, this time with the dryad while Edmund went to Oreius. He was anxious to know everything, ever since he heard a voice calling him this morning.

"Where are my sisters? What grave news did they send?" He asked.

"They are near the Stone Table." She said "Aslan, the Great Lion, and his daughter, Princess Sarafine are dead."


Again, cliffhanger. They're dead. I'm crying ;( Nah, I'm not a crying baby. The next one is probably gonna be cool. With new stuffs, I guess. Note the keywords.

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