Chapter 5

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"This is all your fault." Susan said to Peter.

"My fault?" Peter glared at his sister.

"None of this would have happened if you listened to me in the first place." She blamed him.

"Oh, so you know this was going to happen?" Peter retorted.

"I don't know what would happen." She argued "Which is why we should have left while we could."

"Stop it." Lucy shouted, stopping the two.

"Yelling at each other won't solve anything." Sara said, surprisingly calm "We need to find a way to help Ed, and you two are not helping. You care for him, don't you? He is your brother, isn't he? So stop bickering like 5-year-old kids and be useful."

Her lesson worked. They stopped.

"She's right. Only Aslan can save your brother." Mr. Beaver said.

"Then take us to him." Peter said.


"Badger and I dug this." Mr. Beaver said as they were entering the tunnel "Come out right near his place."

"You told me it led to your mum's." Mrs. Beaver was surprised.

They were at the Beavers' dam when suddenly they heard howls. Maugrim and his wolves were dashing towards the house, obviously trying to get them. They quickly got everything they needed and ran to the tunnel. They had to be fast if they didn't want to die in the wolves' claws.

Lucy's leg got caught up by a root up and she tripped. Sara pulled her up on her feet again as they heard howls from the wolves.

"They're in the tunnel."

"Quick, this way." Mr. Beaver said.

They ran further in but only to meet a dead end.

"You should have brought a map." Mrs. Beaver complained.

"There wasn't room next to the jam." Mr. Beaver said.

He jumped up into a hole and disappeared. Maybe he was outside already. The others followed suit. Sara was the last one in line, pulled up by Peter. As soon as she was up, Peter pulled her into a hug. Then, they looked at the Beavers who stood there with grief.

"He was my best mate." Mr. Beaver said looking at a stone badger.

A fox appeared from one of the bushes and approached them.

"You take one more step, traitor." Mr. Beaver threatened him "And I'll chew you to splinters."

"Relax." The fox said "I'm one of the good guys."

"Yeah?" Mr. Beaver didn't trust him "Well, you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones."

"An unfortunate family resemblance." He said "But we can argue breeding later. Right now we've got to move."

"What did you have in mind?" Peter asked.


They were now on the tree branches, sitting quietly in nervous. The wolves appeared and approached the fox who was standing on the ground, hoping to distract them. Sara tugged on Peter's arm as he wrapped his around her waist, holding her closer and squeezed Lucy's hand.

"Greeting, gents." The fox said "Lost something, have we?"

"Don't patronize me. I know where your allegiance lies." Maugrim circled the fox "We're looking for some humans."

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