Chapter 2

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"Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar." Susan read out from a dictionary "Come on Peter, gastrovascular."

"Is it Latin?" Peter asked, Susan just nodded.

"Is it Latin for 'worst game ever invented'?" Edmund piped in, making his sister slammed the book closed in annoyance.

It was heavily raining outside and all plans they had for the day were all down in vain. Trapping inside the mansion, having nothing to do and playing Susan's terribly boring game were absolutely terrible to the Pevensies, well, except for Susan. But it was normal to Sara. She had lead this life for 11 years, after all. Nothing really mattered to her.

"Well, too bad, Edmund." Sara said "We're stuck in here."

"Let's play hide and seek." Lucy suggested.

"But we already have so much fun." Peter mocked again.

"Please, Peter, please." The little girl pulled out a puppy face that her brother could never resist.

"I'll pass." Sara sat on the couch, raising her hands up like surrendering.

"Why?" Lucy asked.

"I'm not fancy getting in trouble with Mrs. Macready." She said "Go on. I'll just be right here."

"Okay." Peter stood up "One, two, three..."

Little did Peter know, but I think he know, that a pair of beautiful black eyes staring at him. Sara was studying him, his features, his voice. For the first time since they met, she realized how handsome he was. His blond hair was totally contrast to her black hair, and it looked gorgeous. She smiled and blushed at the same time as she stared down at the ground, shaking her head.

He probably would never feel the same way, she was sure it was the truth.

Or so she thought it was.

"98, 99, 100. Here I come." He announced, then turned to look at the small girl on the couch "Why are you smiling?"


"Really?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yep." She said, popping the 'p'.

"I don't think so." He smirked, stepping closer and crouched down to face her. Their faces were just a few inch away from each other. They could feel each other's warm breath.

"Mmm." She bit her bottom lip and blushed while avoiding eye contact with him.

He put a finger under her chin and lift her face up, staring right into her eyes. Without saying anything, their lips connected. Butterflies flew like fireworks, exploding inside their stomachs. Her mind was cleared, and so was his. It felt right.

They gave ear-to-ear grin when their lips parted.

"This is crazy." Peter mumbled.

Sara looked at him in confusion.

"We have just met for two days and I feel like I have known you forever." He continued "I know this sounds crazy, but I think, no, I know I'm in love with you."

"And I know this is absolutely insane," Sara said "But I feel the same."

They stared into each other's eyes again until Sara laughed and pushed Peter.

"Go on. Find the others." She said "Before they start thinking that we're making out."

"Hear I come, guys." Peter announced again, this time was louder.

"It's alright." It was Lucy's voice "I'm back. I'm alright."

"Shut up!" Edmund said "He's coming."

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