Chapter 3

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Sara was sleeping in her bed when suddenly she heard noises outside. The siblings were waken up by Lucy who was saying she saw Narnia again in the wardrobe. But this time, she said Edmund was there, too.

"You... You saw the faun?" It was Peter's voice.

"I was just playing along. I'm sorry, Peter." This time was Edmund's voice "I shouldn't have encouraged her, but you know what little children are like these days. They just don't know when to stop pretending."

Sara peeked out to see Lucy crying and ran away. Susan and Peter went after her. She then closed the door, not wanting to interrupt their family business. She felt bad, really bad for Lucy. Maybe she was telling the truth. But who knows.


The next day, Lucy didn't talk much anymore. Obviously she was upset. Sara did try to talk, though, but she didn't say much. Weird. It seemed like the situation between Lucy and Sara had been reversed entirely.

"Peter winds up, poised to take yet another wicket." Peter threw the ball and hit Edmund in the leg.

"Ouch!" He exclaimed.

"Whoops! Wake up, Dolly Daydream." The blond boy mocked.

"Nice shot." Sara said from under a tree, next to Lucy. Well, at least she was the least hated by the young girl.

"Thanks, love." Peter smiled.

"Oh love birds!" Susan groaned.

They were playing cricket. Well, maybe just the boys. Susan was standing nearby to watch them play. Lucy had been distant all morning and Sara had to sit with her under a tree so she wouldn't feel lonely.

"Why can't we play hide and seek again?" Edmund asked. Something sounded fishy in his voice.

"I thought you said it was a kid's game." Peter said.

"Besides, we could all use the fresh air." Susan agreed with Peter.

"It's not like there isn't air inside." Edmund said. Yep, something fishy was definitely going on around here.

"Are you ready?" Peter prepared to throw a ball again.

"Are you?" Edmund smirked.

Peter threw the ball and Edmund hit it hard. He looked happy until...


The ball went the wrong way and smashed a glass window. Not just that, it also smashed something inside that room already.

"Oh no." Sara mumbled as she and Lucy stood up and ran after the other three.

Well, a broken-into-pieces window and a fallen suit of armor on the floor. What could be better than this?

"Well done, Ed." Peter said.

"You bowled it." Edmund argued.

"Boys, I know how much you love each other but this is not a very nice moment for your cat fight." Sara said.

"Really? Cat fight?"

Sara was about to say 'yep' but someone's voice cut her.

"What on earth is going on?" Then there were loud footsteps.

"The Macready." Susan said.

They mentally screamed and freaked out.

"Run!" Peter said.

And they ran through halls and halls, greeted by loads of lock doors and loud footsteps everywhere.

"I don't remember any locked door in this mansion." Sara mumbled to herself.

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