Chapter 13

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It was now autumn, one year after Peter's and Sara's marriage. It was a big, amazing and royal party at the Church. Everyone was happy for them. The Beavers, Mr. Tumnus and every Narnians were there, celebrating, congratulating the couple. But the most important was that they were happy. Sadly, Aslan wasn't there. He had business to take care of in his kingdom.

Now they were riding through the woods, with their crowns on their heads. Peter was on his faithful unicorn, Edmund was with Phillip the talking horse, Lucy and Susan rode on one horse called Lily, and Sara was flying with her wings. Her power had developed to be more powerful in the past years. She could now use it mostly every time without draining her strength.

"You're alright, Phillip?" Edmund asked.

"I'm not as young as I once was." His horse said.

"Come on, Ed." Susan urged from the front.

"Just catching my breath." He said.

"That's all we'll catch at this rate."

"What did he say again, Sara?" Lucy asked.

"You girls stay at home. I'll catch the stag myself." Sara joked "Seriously, Ed, you can't even catch up with us."

They all laughed. Then, Peter stopped to look at something from afar. He went off his mount and walked towards it. The others followed suit.

"What's this?" He asked "It seems familiar."

In front of them was a lamppost covered in vines.

"As if from a dream." Susan said.

"Or a dream of a dream." Lucy said "Spare Oom."

With that, she ran off. The rest ran after her, calling her name. They could see from afar some fur coats. Some extremely familiar fur coats.

"These aren't branches." Peter said.

"They're coats." Susan said.

"Wow, that's how very observant of you there, Captain Obvious." Sara rolled her eyes as she walked behind them. Then she noticed something. And probably they too.

Their voices changed.

"Susan, you're on my foot." Edmund exclaimed.

"Peter, move off." Lucy shouted.

"Stop shoving." Peter said.

"Stop it!" Edmund said "I'm not your toe."

"Ow." It was Sara's turn to exclaimed "My nose!"

"Sorry." Edmund said.

The door bursted open and they fell down, piled up on the floor in the spare room. They were no more in Narnia, they were in England again, as kids. As if they had never left. As if time had never moved ever since they left. Stood in front of them was Professor Kirke. He smiled.

"There you are. What were you doing in the wardrobe?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir." Peter said.

"Try me." He said throwing the cricket ball at Peter.

They stood up and went after the Professor. As an instinct, Sara put one hand in her dress pocket and found something. It was small and round. She took it out to look at it. It was her engage ring. She tugged on Peter's arm and gained his attention. She showed it to him, and he too took one out from his pocket.

"At least we can keep this." He said.

"A little big for our fingers now." She said "I'll put through a chain and make it a necklace."

"Nice idea."


The bombing in Finchley finally stopped, and it meant that the Pevensies had to go home with their mother. Last night, they had a small 'goodbye party', as Sara preferred to call it. She hated the word 'farewell party', cause deep inside she knew that one day she would meet them again. Now, the Pevensies were holding their bags, standing outside the mansion. It felt just like the day they came, the only difference was that now they were leaving.

"So, this is goodbye then." Sara said.

"We'll miss you." Susan gave her hug.

"I'll miss you too." She smiled and hugged her and Lucy.

The two girls backed off, Edmund went forward.

"Though you're quite annoying sometimes, I'm still gonna miss you." They hugged.

And then, Sara faced Peter. He smiled a sad smile.

"And I'll miss you the most." She said.

"Me too."

She touched the ring, which she had already put into a necklace matching with hers, and looked into his eyes.

"Promise me you'll keep it safe." She said.

"Of course." He put his hand on top of hers "It will still be here until I'm big enough again to wear it."

They hugged and he kissed her. Tears bursted out from her eyes and the saltiness fell on their lips. They broke out, looking in each other's eyes.

"I love you."

"And I you."

They went onto the cart and Mrs. Macready rode off. They turned around to waved at the girl standing in front of her mansion. She waved back.

"Remember to write." She shouted.

"We will."


This is the last chapter :) Hope you like it.

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