Chapter 11

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"She's right. They're dead."

After the dryad had left, Peter went out to meet Edmund and Oreius standing at the table with battle plans. Saying these words, he couldn't be sadder. Tears pricked his eyes, threatened to fall down. She was the love of his life, the only one thing he ever wanted, but now she was gone. He wanted to cry out loud, to grieve in pain and loneliness, but he couldn't. If she was here, she would want him to be brave. He would be brave, for her only. Just for her.

"Then you'll have to lead us." Edmund said "Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you."

"I can't."

"Aslan believed you could. And so do I." Edmund said "And I'm sure Sara would do the same."

Of course Sara would do the same. She had always trusted him, though she never said it out loud. The image of her smiling popped up in Peter's head as an encouragement. It was like she was encouraging him from above.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire." Oreius said "What are your orders?"


The boys were now fully armed in their armors and swords. Edmund stood on the rock above the field while Peter and Oreius was on a small mound in front of the army, waiting. A griffin flew over Edmund's head, then down where Peter was on his white unicorn.

"They come, Your Highness." The griffin said "In numbers and weapons far greater than our own."

"Numbers do not win a battle." Oreius said.

"No." Peter said "But I bet they help."

And finally, the Witch's army arrived, with a large number of soldiers, larger than Peter's, and three giants. The Witch was riding up onto her own mound, pulled by Polar bears. She was wearing something golden, and as she approached, they saw exactly what it was. Aslan's mane.

"Are you with me?" Peter asked as the Witch's army advanced.

"To the death." Oreius said firmly.

"For Narnia!" Peter shouted "And for Aslan!"

And also for Sara. He reminded himself.

Then, they charged. The Phoenix swooped down and created a wall of fire between the Witch's and Peter's army, stopping the evil creatures from approaching. Peter's army cheered, but that didn't last long as the Witch blasted away the fire wall with her wand and her army advanced again.

"Fall back!" Peter shouted "Draw them to the rocks!"

He turned around and galloped toward the rocks as his army did the same while fighting. Oreius sounded his horn and as soon as the sound ended, Edmund's army advanced from the rocks and joined the rest of the army.

"Fall back!"

"Go on! Fall back!"

Peter galloped to the rocks, but his white unicorn was shot. It stumbled and fell down, sending Peter a few feet away before landing hard. The Witch's army kept following them, and Oreius saw Peter was in a dangerous situation. He, along with a rhino, charged towards the Witch. Peter yelled at him to stop, but he ignored the order. The rhino was floored, and Oreius killed the minotaur, which was the Witch's general, with two swords. Then, he charged toward the Witch and swung his sword. But before he could do any harm to the Witch, she ducked his blow and spun her wand, turned the centaur into stone. Seeing their general died, two griffins dived toward the Witch. She slashed one with her sword and turned the other one into stone in midair, making it fall down and shatter on a boulder.

"Edmund!" Peter shouted at his brother "There's too many! Get out of here! Get the girls and go home!"

But Edmund too disobeyed his order. The young Prince, with his sword and shield, charged toward the Witch. She smiled, as if it was all in her plan. He brought his sword down, smashing her wand, making it glow in blue light. The Witch was angry. She quickly disarmed the pausing Edmund and stabbed him with the remains of her wand. He collapsed and laid still on the ground. Now, it was Peter's turn to get angry. He charged at the Witch, and the two leaders fought. Then, a loud, mighty sound erupted and echoed in the air, making Peter and the Witch stop. They looked up and were surprised. There, on the rock, stood Aslan, as mighty as ever. Next to him was Susan and Lucy. But there was something stranger than all. A figure, wearing black and blue dress with a big, gorgeous black wings, floated above the Great Cat as their wings flapped lightly. The most familiar face to Peter. The most loving person to Peter. It was Sarafine.

"Impossible!" The Witch exclaimed angrily.

Aslan's army flooded down the field, killing every enemy that stepped in their way. The Witch tripped Peter, disarmed him and pinned him down. Standing up, she held her sword above the Prince, readied to bring down the death blow. But it didn't come. The Witch was lifted into midair by no one else but Sara. She threw her down far away from Peter and landed down next to him. Aslan jumped over and killed the Witch in a way I don't dare to describe. Peter stood up and looked at Sara as she looked back. They smiled before crashing into a hug.

"I thought I lost you." He said.

"Well, do you trust or not?" She joked.

And they kissed. Their lips moved in sync and they felt like their hearts was melting away with the warmth they thought they would never felt again. As clique as it sounds, the world seemed to fade away around them. It was only them left in the universe, with each other, and enjoying each other's presence. After what seemed to be ages, they broke away to catch their breath. They stared in each other's eyes and smiled again.

"Guys, are you done with your reunion?" It was Susan, standing with her hand on her hip and the other hand covering Lucy's eyes "I swear, you are disgusting in too many levels. Remind me to never separate you two."

They all laughed at her remarks. Sara had thought that she would never feel like this again. Happy, relieved and loved. She thought she would never be able to hear Susan's remarks again, that she would never see the smiley and optimistic Lucy again, never see Edmund's funny irritating face, and above all, she thought she would never see Peter's smile and kiss him again. She was thrilled that now, everything was over. But speaking of Edmund, she noticed that he wasn't around.

"Wait, where's Edmund?" Susan seemed to have the same thought.

Realization hit Peter as his eyes widened in fear. He suddenly remembered what happened to Edmund and ran frantically to find his brother. Susan and Lucy ran after him and Sara flew above, spotting him lying in the middle of the field, with a dwarf holding a sword above him, about to bring down a death blow. Susan quickly reacted. She grabbed an arrow from her quill and fired, killed the dwarf. As soon as they reached him, Lucy took her cordial and dropped one drop of the flower juice into Edmund's mouth. He stopped moving for a moment before gasping and sitting up. The siblings pulled into a big family hug.

"When are you gonna learn to do as you're told?" Peter asked smiling and Edmund just smiled back. He then looked over his brother's shoulder and saw Sara.

"Nice wing." He said.

"Well, at least I have something to draw people's attention from my shortness." She rolled her eyes, making the others laugh.

Then, Lucy jogged off to heal the wounded with Aslan. Susan talked to Edmund, while Sara was held by the waist by Peter.

"I guess this is over." He whispered into her ears.

"Yeah, I guess." She smiled.


Whoop whoop, done with the amazing fight *celebrating* *throwing petals* *sounding the horn* Hope you like it :)

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