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As days pass by, the younger would work overtime at the bar and save up money to finally pay off his debt but it wasn't enough sighing softly

Jungkook would also get tips from girls and guys who were interested in him as the younger flirted with them to light up his mood

" You're so handsome, Jungkook " One woman says as jungkook picks up her hand kissing it smiling

" What a compliment coming from a beautiful woman like you " Jungkook says with a small smirk holding her hand as she blushes

As the younger goes on his break, he smokes laying back on the wall yugyeom goes to him

" There you are, seems like the girls are already missing you "

" I'll be there in a bit " Jungkook says blowing out smoke from his parted lips

" You look stressed, what's going on? " Yugyeom replies leaning on the wall beside him

" Don't worry about it "

Meanwhile with Taehyung, he pointed a gun at the targets shooting them directly practicing with bogum as jimin was keeping all bodyguards in check before heading to the two

" Boss, everyone is accounted for and finished their training "

" Good, let them rest since there's no threat at the moment "

" Yes boss " Jimin says leaving as bogum watches the older shoot his target

" You never told me, how's your relationship with sungjae? "

" I don't have any relationship besides me having him faced down in my bed " Taehyung says

" Oh come on, you two would've been a couple by now "

" That's disgusting, I don't like playing with toys for too long especially clingy ones. He's just been getting irritating lately "

" He's probably catching feelings for you, don't be so harsh "

" That really is disgusting, even thinking about it makes me lose my appetite "

Bogum chuckles softly as taehyung loads more bullets in his gun before shooting directly on the targets

" Let's go, I still have work to finish up "

After a few hours, taehyung looked at the younger's folder laying back on his chair reading through it then jimin knocks before entering

" Boss, you said you needed me? " Jimin says

" Yes, come in "

Jimin walks in shutting the door behind him as his arms are behind him heading to the desk

" I'm thinking of bringing in the brat we found fighting in the alley " Taehyung says standing up

" Really? You think he'll be of some use for us? " Jimin replies

" You saw his skill, with him improving he could be my personal bodyguard "

" uh huh, you're not doing this cause you're bored of sungjae are you? "

" No, I'm not interested in this brat "

" Alright, when do you want him? "

" Tomorrow night, buy out the club he works at tonight and have you plus a few of my men there with me. I'm sure it won't take much to convince him but just in case " Taehyung says setting his folder down

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