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The next day, taehyung was in a meeting with the other leaders then the older was dressed in all black as Jaehyun explains it

" By next month, we'll definitely be rolling in billions just from the drugs we sell and weapons we'll have " Jaehyun says

" Let's just make sure, nothing cuts into our plans especially our personal life isn't that right V? " Baekhyun says

" Do you have something to say about what goes on in my personal life? Not that it's any of your damn business " Taehyung replies taking a cigarette from his box before lighting it

" Just wondering why be tied to one person when you used to have every girl beg to you "

" I'm no longer interested, I love my fiancé "

" Who is your fiancé anyway? " Jaehyun says

" It's not important, I don't enjoy showing my belongings to any of you that's for sure "

" Hey Baekhyun, fifty bucks that V's fiancé is ugly and not attractive "

" I'm game "

They hear the doors opening as it was the younger dressed in comfortable clothes having sweaterpaws going to taehyung then both jaehyun and baekhyun have their eyes on him

" Baby, you should be sleeping. Why are you up? " Taehyung says looking at his watch then at him as the younger had a slight pout

" I want to sleep beside you and hug you, I can't sleep without you anymore " Jungkook says slightly whiny then taehyung pulls him in by his waist kissing his lips gently before pulling away

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" I want to sleep beside you and hug you, I can't sleep without you anymore " Jungkook says slightly whiny then taehyung pulls him in by his waist kissing his lips gently before pulling away

" I'm almost done here, just give me five minutes okay? " Taehyung replies then the younger nodded rubbing his face gently sleepily " go back to bed, I promise I'll go soon "

" Okay, sorry about interrupting your meeting " Jungkook says walking out going back to their bedroom

Taehyung looks at his watch as he knocks the senses into both jaehyun and baekhyun

" No way! Why is he actually attractive! "

" Didn't expect that "

" Are we done here? " Taehyung says placing his hands in his pockets then they were both shocked

" How'd you manage to get someone like that? " Jaehyun says

" Does it matter? "

" He probably bought him " Jaehyun says

Taehyung snaps his fingers as jaehyun had a gun on his head by one of the older's men

" I'd advise you to keep your mouth shut, unless you want to lose one of your limbs "

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