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The next day, Jungkook was fast asleep on their shared bed hugging their bedsheets curled up with a blanket over him then taehyung caressed his cheek gently smiling before leaning down kissing his cheek

Taehyung didn't cuddle him since he was being punished but knows he couldn't stay angry at him for long so he wraps his arm around him then jungkook woke up slightly wrapping his arms around his husband hugging him tight

" I love you.. " Jungkook says sleepily hugging the older smiling happily going back to sleep then taehyung caresses his brown hair moving it out of his face smiling

The next day, the older was getting dressed in a suit as the younger watched him mesmerized by his handsome husband smiling

" Do you have to go to this event? You look so handsome " Jungkook says smiling looking at him

" Pfft, I have to angel so don't wait up on me "

" I want to go with you " Jungkook replies standing up wrapping his arms around his neck as taehyung kisses his lips caressing his hair out of his face

" I love you and you'd know I'd take you with me if I could but this is a private matter between me and the other leaders "

" Okay fine but don't take long and be safe "

" I got it, my husband " Taehyung says chuckling softly kissing his forehead

As the evening rolls by, Taehyung was leaving as the younger kisses his lips smiling hugging him tightly before letting go

" I love you tae, be safe okay? "

" I love you more, and I'll be safe, jimin is coming with as my right hand man "

" Okie, go before I cling onto you and never let you leave "

" You're too cute, I'll be back soon angel " Taehyung says smiling as the younger giggled watching him leave

The older's driver takes him and jimin to the event as taehyung was looking through work emails then jimin had a gun on him just in case

" Boss, this event will be a little dangerous are you sure you want to go through with it there? "

" It's the perfect place to get rid of mingyu, nor do I care if it's in the other leaders faces. You know the plan "

" I do but if mingyu does shoot first, you'll be injured while I get rid of him "

" I'll take those chances, not like I haven't been shot at before. What about jungkook? "

" The bodyguards are at each entrance and exit of your home. We have a few men surrounding your home as well "

" Good. Keep him safe until mingyu is dead "

" Got it boss "

As they arrive, taehyung was greeted by Kai along with Jaehyun then the older headed inside

" Surprised, you brought a side piece with you. Aren't you married? " Jaehyun says referring to jimin

" Excuse me? " Jimin replies with slight anger

" Yeah Taehyung has a husband " Jaehyun says before wrapping an arm around jimin " But you're cute, so want to go home with me? "

" Yuno, off my boyfriend unless you plan on losing that hand " Yoongi says as he was there to accompany Namjoon

" Yoongi! " Jimin replies running to him hugging him tightly smiling

As they were in the meeting room, mingyu showed up annoyed as taehyung smirked slightly then he shows off his ring finger yawning playfully

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