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The younger woke up in an abandoned warehouse as he was tied by his arms and legs with tape covering his mouth then sungjae goes to him

" I'll make sure you stay dead, you think taehyung really wants you back? You're wrong, he's happier without you " Sungjae says before taking the off the tape

" I want to see it for myself! You instead kidnap me because you feel threatened that I'll take him from you! " Jungkook replies before sungjae slaps him in the face angrily

" I'm not threatened by you. Taehyung and I love each other and you won't ruin what we have "

" It's been two months since my so called death, he couldn't have loved you so easily "

" Unlike you, you were his playmate and I'm the one who will always be by his side. Kill him, I have to get back to my fiancé " Sungjae says about to leave as jungkook sighs looking slightly down

" That's enough sungjae! " Jimin says walking in as a few other men surround them

" Oh my fiance's right hand, I got it covered already go back "

" The boss will never be your fiancé. He has no interest in you and you actually killing jungkook would've caused more chaos "

" Why don't you shut your mouth and leave?! Taehyung is happy with me so I'm killing this one "


" Where in any aspects did you think he was happy?! The boss has tried overdosing himself to death countless of times! He won't eat or sleep! All he does is drink alcohol! You call that happiness?! "

" You're lying because he's here, how funny " Sungjae says with a slight eye roll then the younger bites off the rope that was holding his arms together

" If you truly loved the boss, you'd let jungkook go to him! "

" I said taehyung is happier with me, he doesn't need him! "

Jungkook got a blade from one of sungjae's men before cutting the bind of his legs free standing up

" You think taehyung will ever love you..? You're pathetic! " Jungkook shouts

" Kill him! " Sungjae says to his men before noticing them on the floor killed by the older's men then jimin helped jungkook

" You okay? "

" Yeah I'm fine, thank you "

" Why..?! You think taehyung will want a used up bitch over me?! "

Jungkook grabbed a gun placing under sungjae's chin angrily as jimin told him to be careful

" You. Are. Nothing. Get that through your fucking head. "

" Shoot me! Go ahead! " Sungjae says placing his gun on the younger's chest wound " One bullet here and you'll die, for good! "

" Taehyung will and never has loved you. " Jungkook replies in front of his face with a smirk


" Jungkook! " Jimin shouts as sungjae's body fell to the floor before he sighed in relief going to the younger holding him slightly up " you alright? "

" I'm fine, jimin. "

As they head back, jimin decides to surprise the boss with the younger as jungkook was in jimin's room

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