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They went home after that date, taehyung was still shocked but he did think about having a family with the younger before

Taehyung then comes downstairs to find the younger sitting on the couch with his banana milk then the older goes to him

" Baby? You alright? "

" Yeah I'm okay "

" My love, I want nothing more to start a family with you but that would put you more in danger " Taehyung says caressing his cheek as the younger leans into his touch

" I understand, I was just really hoping for a family of our own soon "

" I promise baby, you and I will have this family but right now I want to keep you safe and protected "

" I know taehyungie I'll be patient "

" Thank you baby " Taehyung says before leaning in and kissing his lips deeply as jungkook smiles holding his shoulder before they pull away

Afterwards, taehyung wanted them to have a family but had some unfinished business first he didn't want his husband nor their child to be in danger of any kind

Taehyung got a knock from his office as jimin entered holding a folder full of paperwork

" Seems like your mom didn't get the hint of getting out of your life " Jimin says giving it to the older as taehyung takes it looking through the paperwork

" Tch.. I knew there was one reason she came back, she wouldn't come back at all if I knew it was for this reason "

" Also she has been threatening and hiring people to kill your husband, but I took care of that and jungkook now has a few more security and bodyguards "

" Jungkook can take care of himself, he knows how to fight properly but it's also good you got protection for him when you could so thank you for that " Taehyung says setting the folder down in anger

" What I don't get is, why go after him? "

" Because, he's my weak spot and she knows that. "

" What do you suppose then, boss? "

" Getting rid of her, for good. It was a mistake to let her live "

" But boss, it's your mother "

" Just track her location however you can, I can handle the rest from there. "

" Yes boss " Jimin says leaving the office as jungkook was going to enter waving at jimin then goes to the older

" Tae? " Jungkook says going over to the older as his husband looks over to him sighing in relief

" Yes my angel? " Taehyung replies going over to him

" Want to explain to me what's going on? "

" My so called mother, wants to get rid of you so she hired a few people to try and kill you so that's why your getting more security and bodyguards baby "

" But why? I get that my mother in law hates me but I don't get it "

Taehyung leans against his desk as he pulls the younger over holding his waist sighing softly then his husband has his hands on his chest worriedly

" It's because you're my weakness baby and she's trying to get rid of you so I can be exactly how I was when I believed you had died "

" How could a mom be so cruel to her own child..? "

" She wants to take over, that's why. But I won't let that happen, I promise " Taehyung says placing his forehead against the younger's as jungkook hugs him tightly burying his face on his husband's shoulder

Jk's mind
' We both had a horrible childhood.. Horrible parents.. But I won't let her hurt taehyung.. '

Taehyung kisses the younger on the side of his head holding onto him tightly smiling caressing his brown hair gently

" I love you so much jungkook.. I plan to keep you happy, safe, healthy, and respected " Taehyung says caressing his hair

" It's the same for me tae, I want to do that too for you "

" You being alive and here with me is all I need to be happy " Taehyung says holding him close as they kiss smiling before pulling away then the older kisses him all over making the younger giggle

" Tae! " Jungkook says whilst giggling smiling

" Am I interrupting something? " Taehyung's mother says with her arms crossed

" Baby, do me a favor and step out okay? I'll meet you at home when I'm done here " Taehyung says letting go of the younger as jungkook shakes his head turning around standing in front of the older

" I won't let you hurt my husband in anyway! How could you hurt your own child?! "

" This has nothing to be with you, Kim Namjoon's brat! " The older's mother says

" Your son is my husband, and you're trying to hurt him I won't allow that! " Jungkook says angrily at her as taehyung holds his waist

" Baby, calm yourself please "

" Why not leave my son's life?! Do that, I won't kill you "

" You heartless bitch! " Jungkook says trying to go towards her as taehyung grabs onto him holding him close

" Baby, baby! Hold on! " Taehyung replies holding him back

" How could you be a mother when you left your child with his father his entire life! " Jungkook shouts at at her angrily as taehyung holds his waist

" Why do you care?! You have nothing to do with this! "

Jungkook tries to calm down as the older let's go of him caressing his cheek placing the younger's forehead on his shoulder holding him close

" Why taehyung? Why did you marry a worthless person?! "

" Shut your fucking mouth, I won't allow you to be little my husband. He's everything to me and you want to take him from me I won't allow it "

" Son, just think about it, if we got rid of your so called husband we could be powerful as mother and son all we need to do is kill- "


Jungkook took out the older's gun as he shot her through her head before dropping the gun as his hands were shaking as her body fell to the floor

" T-Tae.. Taehyung.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to.. I just- "

Taehyung holds his cheeks kissing him deeply holding him closely caressing his cheeks gently then the younger holds onto him before they pull away

" Don't apologize, She was in our way.. Now what should we name our son or daughter? "

" You mean it..? We can have a family now? "

" Of course baby, I want nothing more now to see you pregnant and me taking care of you while you're pregnant "

Jungkook smiles happily hugging him tightly giggling as taehyung hugs him just as tight kissing him all over holding him smiling


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