☘︎︎ 21 ☘︎︎

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After a few days, yunho was going to enter the older's office holding a small box gulping then breathes in and out as he enters Taehyung's office

" Taehyung, I want to talk with you! " Yunho says nervously

" What are you doing here, Yunho? " Taehyung replies having his arm around the younger's waist as jungkook was sitting on his lap

" I wanted to ask you something very important.. But it's better we talk private just you and I "

" Mhm " Taehyung says not even paying attention as the younger kisses his boyfriends lips in front of him then the older pulls away before pecking his lips once more

" are you even listening? " Yunho replies

" Not really " Taehyung says holding his boyfriend on his lap before tickling his sides making jungkook giggle

" I really need to speak with you! "

" You're so irritating, what the hell do you actually want? I'm done with you "

" Tae, don't be so cruel " Jungkook says standing up as the older pulls him back

" Where are you going? " Taehyung says holding his waist as the younger strokes his boyfriends soft black hair

" I have to go workout a little bit, we'll see each other later "

" Fine, don't strain yourself " Taehyung says about to let him go as jungkook was still trapped in his arms before kissing his lips then finally let's him go

" I love you tae " Jungkook says leaving then taehyung watches him leave

" I love you more baby " Taehyung replies as the younger walks out the office heading to the training room

" You never acted like that with me.. Even when we were in a relationship " Yunho says

" If being honest, we were hardly a relationship you would just use me to go shopping " Taehyung says looking at his computer then yunho scoffs

" That's not true, I had feelings for you and I tried to spend time with you "

" Please name the one time you tried spending time with me, I have to hear this "

" Hello! Our double date! I tried spending time with you and you completely forgot about me all because of him! "

" After that double date, they left and I tried to make you happy yet you were angry that I was talking to him and attempted to slap me because of it! "

" It doesn't matter anymore.. Taehyung what you have with this guy is nothing compared to what we had "

" If you're done, I gotta finish my work so please leave "

" No I'm not done, I wanted to ask you something very important.. "

" Hurry up and ask "

" I want you to marry me! " Yunho says showing him the small box embarrassed as taehyung raised an eyebrow laying his chin on his hand

" This is a joke right? "

" No.. Why would you think it's a joke?! "

" Yunho, leave. I'm not interested in marriage especially from you "

" What if it was him?! "

" Of course, it's my baby I'd marry him on the spot "

" So hypothetically, what if he died? "

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