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The younger got treated in the medical area in the mansion as afterwards jungkook was on his bed with his IV cord and passed out as the doctor goes to taehyung and jimin outside his bedroom

" How is he? " Taehyung says in a panic tone

" He's fine, his wounds are minor we're just lucky it didn't hit any vital organs. He just needs a month or two for those wounds to heal but he can't be moving around too much or they'll reopen. He's still passed out give him a few hours "

" Thank you.. "

The Doctor then leaves as the older entered the younger's room seeing he was breathing softly and hearing his heart monitor before sitting beside him gently placing his hand on the younger's

Jimin walks in as well sighing slightly in anger crossing his arms

" I can't believe I let my guard down, I'm sorry boss "

" No.. It's my fault.. I should've been the one who got shot or else jungkook wouldn't be lying here.. " Taehyung says lifting up his hand placing a soft kiss on it before watching him sleep

" Boss, was jaewon right? "

" About? "

" Do you love Jungkook? "

" Does that matter right now? " Taehyung says putting the younger's hand back down

" I'm just curious, do you actually have feelings for jungkook? "

" Yes, I love him.. " Taehyung says holding the younger's hand " It isn't fair to yunho, call him over tomorrow and I'll break up with him "

" Got it, tell me when jungkook wakes up " Jimin replies leaving as taehyung sat beside him the whole time as he holds the younger's hands

" Jungkook, why would you come to a dangerous mission..? Now look what happened.. I would've never forgiven myself if you were killed.. " Taehyung says to a passed out jungkook as he holds his hand smiling " I'm really sorry for how I've been treating you lately.. I know I'm not the one you love.. You love mingyu.. So I'll let you be happy with him, if you're happy that's all I really want.. "

After a few hours, taehyung fell asleep beside the bed holding the younger's hand not eating or drinking and did not leave jungkook's side whatsoever then mingyu came in

" Jungkook? How you-? " Mingyu says before seeing taehyung there asleep holding the younger's hand before leaving sighing

After a few more hours, Jungkook's eyes slowly opened as he noticed the older beside him before moving his hand slowly and places it on top of the older's head caressing his black soft hair smiling softly

" Taehyung.. " Jungkook says weakly feeling the older's soft black hair as he opens his eyes feeling the younger's hand before seeing he was awake

" Jungkook.. You're awake.. " Taehyung says in pure relief holding his hand " why would you put yourself in danger?! Why would you get hurt on my account..? Do you know how worried I was..? "

" I said I wasn't leaving without you.. And I meant it.. Because of me, you're not hurt.. That makes me happy "

" It shouldn't! I should be the one lying on this bed and hurt! "

" It's fine I'm your bodyguard.. I'm supposed to protect you.. I'm happy you're not hurt, tae.. "

" I won't allow you to get hurt again.. Not ever.. "

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