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The next day, the younger was practicing shooting as he felt used by the older then points the gun at the target hitting it as mingyu walks passed before noticing the younger by himself going to him

" Hey, it's you, Jungkook right? " Mingyu says standing next to him " How you doing? "

" I'm fine, I guess " Jungkook replies before looking down at his gun

" You sure? You seem down "

" Yeah I'm just.. It's complicated "

" How about I teach you some stuff in training? Maybe that'll make you feel slightly better "

" Sure, sounds good "

Meanwhile with Taehyung, he was having lunch with his father picking at his food slightly before eating it

" Anything on your mind, son? "

" Nothing really "

" I've heard rumors about you, what's going on with you and this yunho boy? "

" Oh we're just talking right now and he came over last night "

" Don't tell me, you've found a boyfriend already. "

" No, at least not yet "

" Are you considering making this boy, your boyfriend? "

" Maybe, I just haven't found the right time to ask him yet. I was planning to, last night but something came up "

" Ah, I see, I'm happy for you son. Make sure this boy makes you happy "

" Thanks father "

As the older finished, he walks passed the training room before hearing jungkook's laugh then checks slightly

" I said keep your arms up, you didn't listen to me " Mingyu says

" Okay, okay hold on you can't use someone's tickle spot as a weak point "

" It's very useful but I think you got more than I do " Mingyu says placing his hands on the younger's sides before squeezing them making him laugh

" Okay! Okay! "

Taehyung leans on the door frame clearing his throat as both their attention was on him before mingyu got off the younger bowing to the older

" Boss, didn't see you there "

" Mingyu, head out. I have to speak with Jeon privately "

" Yes boss, you know where to find me jungkook " Mingyu says placing his hand on his shoulder before leaving then taehyung shuts the door behind him locking it

" What is it now? " Jungkook says

" How cute, acting very flirty with mingyu " Taehyung replies

" I wasn't acting flirty, even if I was, it's none of your concern "

" Is that so? "

" I'm going to go "

" Shouldn't I get thank you from you? "

" Thanks for fucking me " Jungkook says sarcastically rolling his eyes

" Not that, for saving your ass at that nightclub "

" For your information, I was doing just fine. I can take care of myself I don't need you "

" Says the one who didn't know that motherfucker spiked your drink. "

" Tch, go worry about your boyfriend "

" Oh is that why you're acting all feisty? Jealousy is cute on you, Jeon. "

" What do I have to be jealous of, Kim? You aren't mine and I'm not yours to toy or play with. "

" It's the way you act against Yunho, your jealousy really is showing "

" I have nothing to be jealous of, last night was just a one night stand and I feel bad for you "

" What do you mean by that? " Taehyung says with his arms crossed

" You already got a taste of me, it's like a craving you'll want more and more. "

" You act very cocky for someone who just got fucked by me last night "

" Oh I'm sorry, should I get on my knees and suck your dick? " Jungkook replies with an eye roll about to leave in annoyance as taehyung blocked his way with his arm

" You have to keep in mind, Jeon. Your life is mine. "

" No. I don't belong to you or anyone "

" Listen here, you- " Taehyung says gripping the younger's neck

The older's phone started ringing as he let's go of him checking the contact

' Yunho ❤️ '

Jungkook scoffs before moving the older's arm leaving as taehyung sighs texting him that he's busy and will call him back later

As night fell, Jungkook was in his bedroom after his shower then sighs remembering the time him and the older had on his bed

" Tch, he's a fucking asshole " Jungkook says sitting on his bed drying his hair then heard a knock " come in "

Mingyu comes in with a snack for both of them as he sets it on the kitchen table going to the younger

" Hey Jungkook, what did boss want to speak to you about? " Mingyu says

" Nothing, just something about our next mission. Why are you still up, mingyu? "

" Oh I was thinking we didn't really get a chance to hang out, so why not an old fashioned sleepover? "

" Sounds good, I'll make some popcorn and we can watch a movie "

Taehyung was watching from his security camera angrily before jimin enters holding paper work as the older slams his fist on the keyboard turning off his screen

" You feeling okay, boss? "

" Yeah I'm fine, what is it? " taehyung says slightly annoyed

" You have a meeting tomorrow afternoon, and lunch with your father as usual. "

" Is that all? "

" That seems about it, is there something else you wanted me to add? "

" No, but keep an eye on Jeon and Mingyu. "

" Is there a reason, boss? "

" No just keep anything that looks suspicious between the two "

" Yes boss " Jimin says walking out as the older took a sip of his whiskey then clenches his jaw in slight anger

Meanwhile with Jungkook, him and mingyu watch an Avengers movie while eating snacks and talking making each other laugh smiling

The next day, the younger cleaned up and got dressed in his usual bodyguard uniform before heading out of his bedroom before seeing someone in the hallway

" Oh, You're Jungkook right? I've heard a lot of you from taehyung " Yunho says as he was wearing the older's shirt

" Nice to meet you " Jungkook replies about to walk passed him

" You too, let's become good friends since taehyung and I will be boyfriends soon "

The younger clenched his jaw in slight anger before sighing softly facing him with a fake smile

" Good for you two, hope you two are very happy. Please excuse me " Jungkook says leaving with slight balled up fists


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