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The next few days, taehyung was in a meeting with the other leaders besides namjoon and seokjin then the older laid back

" We should sell more drug profit, especially to Jihoon "

" That's not a bad idea, how's that V? "

" Not sure about that jihoon is the type to stab in the back literally we can have our men sell it themselves and that way the money will come to us " Taehyung says grabbing his cup of whiskey about to drink it until jungkook takes it from him

" Babe, what did we talk about? " Jungkook replies standing beside him

" Since when has V been attached to a leash? " Kai says with a slight chuckle

Jungkook glares at him as taehyung pulls him on his lap holding him closely kissing his head gently

" Enough Kai, this is my fiancé so watch your damn mouth "

" My bad, since when have you cared about your playthings? "

" I'll show you a plaything! " Jungkook says trying to get up as taehyung held him back holding him close

" Baby, baby go cool yourself off okay? I got it " Taehyung replies as the younger sighs about to walk out the room " I love you "

" I love you too " Jungkook says walking out as taehyung sighs

" Kai, I won't repeated myself. He's my damn fiancé! So Keep your mouth shut "

" Apologies, but he looks like a brat to me "

Taehyung threw a gun shot near his head as Kai got slightly startled before putting it away

" Anyone else got something to say about my fiancé? Good. Let's continue this meeting " Taehyung says throwing the whiskey out before sitting back down

The younger meanwhile was looking through paperwork as jimin goes to him

" Mrs. Kim. Surprised that he actually proposed to you " Jimin says

" I know right? But I'm happy, just wish his father didn't die because of me "

" His father would've stand in the way of your relationship. Especially since he sent baekhyun to try and kill you "

" Yeah you're right, jimin. I've been thinking that I'm not good enough to be a Mafia's husband.. "

" Hey, listen He loves you, do you know how much he suffered over you? "

" I know alot, when I first saw him he was skinny he must've not been eating.. I feel so ashamed.. Taehyung and I plan on staying together and I'm not letting anybody ruin that. "

Mingyu was eavesdropping before laying back on the wall then leaves as the older finished his meeting he came downstairs then jimin leaves

" Hi tae, did everything go well? " Jungkook says smiling

" Yup, we'll keep being in business and I keep getting just as powerful. " Taehyung says wrapping his arms around the younger's waist pulling him in as jungkook giggles kissing his lips before pulling away

" Here, they are the months drug profit " Jungkook replies handing him the folder full of paperwork then taehyung takes it while still having one hand on his little one's waist

" Thank you baby, go relax I still have things to finish up "

" But I want to be with my fiancé " Jungkook says with a slight pout then the older kisses his pout

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