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" No! Why would I ever agree to that?! " The younger says standing up

" Baby " Taehyung replies

" No you want to leave me to fight jihoon because of you killing joohyun! I want to help too! "

" Baby, the one jihoon wants to go after is you. He wants to hurt you to get me back for killing joohyun "

" Tch.. Then I'm fighting too "

" No you're not, you're staying here where you'll be safe and sound away from harm "

" But tae, I can't leave you alone to fight! "

" I won't be alone, you just got to trust me "

" No, I trust you but I don't want to leave you or be alone.. "

" Baby, us being apart will keep you safe " Taehyung says holding his hands before pulling away

" No.. I don't want to be apart.. " Jungkook replies looking down slightly then the older pulls him in

" come here, this is only temporary I promise I will return to you but I can't let you get hurt again.. " Taehyung says while caressing his cheek

" But I don't want to be alone.. " Jungkook replies in slight tears as taehyung kisses his forehead hugging him tight

" Baby, this is only temporary jihoon wants to kill you and I'm not letting that happen "

" I can take care of him though, leave him to me "

" Jungkook, I know you can but I can't let what happened last time with baekhyun please just listen to me this one time and stay safe for me " Taehyung says holding his cheeks " That's all I'm asking "

" But a temporary break up.. Is this really the only way..? "

" Baby, I can't lose you.. Not again.. I just want you to stay safe this time "

" Okay fine.. But you have to promise to come back to me! "

" I promise my angel " Taehyung says kissing his forehead as the younger clinged onto him burying his face

After a few days, the older got an apartment for the younger to stay hidden until further notice then jungkook didn't want to holding out his hand to him

" Tae.. "

" I'll be back soon, just be patient petal and when I finish this we can finally get married " Taehyung says kissing his hand as jungkook whined slightly pulling him in kissing him deeply

Someone took a picture of them before leaving as they pull away then taehyung pecks his lips once more before leaving as jungkook wanted to follow him but couldn't before shutting the door

Taehyung orders a few men to watch the younger's apartment also take him anywhere if needed before fixing his suit

" Alright jihoon, let's get this over with " Taehyung says angrily leaving

After that, taehyung set up a meeting with jihoon as he planned on getting rid of him for good placing a gun on his holster while having a thigh blade as well

Jimin and a few men also get their guns and weapons ready as mingyu wasn't part of it but had other things to do smirking

Jimin goes to the older who was looking at a picture of the younger sighing softly before putting it away

" You know he expects you back in one piece " Jimin says

" Yeah I know and I will come back in one piece for him " Taehyung replies " I made him a promise "

After a few hours, taehyung finally arrived with his men before they were let inside then jihoon was there with his own men

" Oh V, finally and you aren't with your so called wife? why is that? "

" Jungkook is no longer part of my life, he's away from me and away from this lifestyle somewhere you can't even touch him "

" You're hiding him, how cute "

" All that matters is that he's away from you and away from harm.. "

" Aw, I'm sure he'd be touched to hear that but I'm pretty sure he heard it " Jihoon says smirking snapping his fingers

Jihoon's men threw the younger as he was tied with his arms and legs then had a bloody mouth then Taehyung's eyes widened

" Jungkook! " The older says trying to go to him before jihoon's men point a gun as Taehyung's men point one back

" You really think keeping him in hiding would've been best? You should've just given him to me when you had the chance "

" I had men guarding him, you killed them "

" A few of my men did, but your wife is truly a prized possession he tried fighting back and the feisty ones are always the cutest " Jihoon says grabbing onto the younger's jaw

Taehyung got angry as he took out his gun pointing it at jihoon as he chuckled

" Even if he wasn't part of your life, you still love him and that won't change "

" Please don't hurt him "

" You're begging? The almighty V is begging? You've got to be joking " Jihoon says

" He's the one good thing in my life.. So pure, he has nothing to do with our rivalry "

" You killed my wife so it's only fair I kill yours "

" Your wife was planning on divorcing you for me and I only used her for my plans! I never loved her! "

" Even so, you fucking killed her and now I'm going to kill yours "

Jungkook finally cut himself free before throwing jihoon to the ground holding a blade on his neck then his men pointed a gun at the younger

Taehyung's men pointed back at them as taehyung pulls the younger over

" Baby, come on "

" Go ahead, do what your master says little pup " Jihoon says laughing as the younger was angry twisting his neck killing him that way

Taehyung's men kill jihoon's men quickly as taehyung pulls the younger over holding him in his arms

" Baby.. What the hell was that..? "

" Nothing I just.. I hate him.. "

Taehyung pulls the younger in hugging him tightly kissing his lips gently holding him in his arms smiling proudly

" Good job baby, you did so good " Taehyung says in the younger's ear making jungkook blush

" So can we get married now? " Jungkook replies looking at him as the older kisses his forehead

" Yes my baby, we can "


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