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" Fuck off. " Taehyung says moving his arm away from sungjae " What does it look like I'm doing? "

" You're going to kill yourself just because he's dead! You're pathetic! "

" You've never known what love is! I'm miserable, let me be with him already! " Taehyung about to take them again as sungjae throws them out of his hand

" I love you taehyung..! If anything happened to you, I wouldn't be alive right now.. I love you, you're doing this for someone who's no longer alive "

" Despite your affections for me, I want jungkook.. I want be with him life or death.. Leave me alone sungjae.. "

" No taehyung.. I want to be with you.. Give me a chance to make you happy " Sungjae says holding his hands then the older moves his hands

" I never felt anything for you.. You were just my toy in bed.. I never loved you, not even for a second. Jungkook was the one I was truly in loved with.. And I'm never getting him back.. "

Sungjae puts the pill bottle away as he pulls the older in hugging him tightly then taehyung looked down

" He's gone for good and you have to accept that.. "

After a few days, sungjae would take care of taehyung as he would slowly hold his hand then the older moves his hand away covering his face

The older would always isolate himself in the room for a couple of days or weeks then sungjae goes to check on him

" Taehyung, let's eat " Sungjae says as the older sat there miserable looking at the bracelets

" I'm not in the mood.. Leave me alone alright..? "

" Taehyung, you can't just sit here and be miserable your entire life "

" Why the fuck are you still here? "

" Because I want to help you.. I love you "

" Fuck off! Leave! NOW! " Taehyung says angrily before sungjae sighs leaving as jimin goes to him

" You being here isn't helping, sungjae "

" it will soon. He just needs to go through all the stages of grief and we're at the anger phase "

" He's angry because you keep meddling in something that has nothing to do with you! "

" He'll soon forget about the brat who died and I'll be here to pick up the pieces! "

" Jungkook was the boss's first love, how the hell does he plan on forgetting him?! "

" You seem to forget, I'm Taehyung's first love! He loved me first! "

" You wish " Jimin says with a slight eye roll as he sighs " Sungjae, you being here isn't helping the boss at all it's better you leave "

" Fine, but I'll be back tomorrow "

Sungjae leaves as jimin sighs before entering Taehyung's bedroom then the older was drinking alcohol

" Taehyung, how are you feeling? " Jimin says then the older kept drinking nonstop before finally putting it down

" Like shit "

" You should eat some food, it's not healthy just having alcohol in your stomach "

" I'm fine, just leave me here.. " Taehyung says laying back

" Taehyung.. You know jungkook wouldn't want you like this.. He'd want to see you happy and healthy.. "

" What the hell do you know about what he'd want to see?! " Taehyung says angrily

" I know jungkook wouldn't want to see you like this! That's for sure! He loved you so much.. He wanted to see you happy more than anything! "

Afterwards, taehyung was fast asleep as his alcohol bottle was empty then was in tears breathing softly

Meanwhile with jungkook, he was planning on sneaking out to see taehyung again as he was about to leave then namjoon's men hold him back

" Where are you going? " Namjoon says

" I want to go see my damn boyfriend who's hurting because he thinks I'm dead! " Jungkook says in slight pain

" You shouldn't be sneaking out in your weaken state you're not completely healed yet "

" Whether I'm healed or not doesn't matter! Taehyung thinks I'm dead and I know it's killing him inside! "

" Taehyung doesn't believe you're alive! We've told him! "

" That's why I'm going to see him myself! I want to see my boyfriend again! "

" You're in no state to be going anywhere! Are you insane?! "

" Please.. I'm begging you.. I want to see taehyung despite me being hurt.. I want to show him I'm alive.. "

Namjoon sighs keeping his arms crossed as he tells his men to let him go then tells one of his drivers

" Take him to the Kim Mansion. " Namjoon says

" Thank you.. "

They take him as the younger was going to run inside but couldn't since he was in slight pain holding his chest then heads up the steps before noticing someone

" No way.. You're actually alive..?! " Sungjae says

" why are you here..? " Jungkook replies weakly

" After your death, I'm Taehyung's boyfriend now "

" Good lie.. I need to see him "

" Well he doesn't want to see you "

" He doesn't even know I'm alive.. "

" Listen, you need to keep playing dead he's happier with me and he's gotten over you "

" Even so, I want to hear it from him.. Not you.. "

Jungkook was going to head inside slowly as sungjae grips his wrist angrily stopping him then the younger looked at him

" You think you can come back here and take my taehyung away from me? After all I've done for him to love me and not you..! "

" He'll never love you.. Tae loves me, but I want to hear what he says from his mouth not yours "

" No because I know him seeing you will ruin what me and him have! "

" enough sungjae, you were never Taehyung's lover or boyfriend you were just his playmate in bed "

" I'm his fiancé, you dumb shit " Sungjae says before telling his own men to take him

His men put a cloth over the younger's nose and mouth as jungkook tried fighting but couldn't before passing out slowly

" Take him far away from here, dump him in the trash I don't care but get rid of him "

Sungjae's men do as they're told then sungjae clears his throat before heading inside smirking slightly

" You'll stay dead, Jeon Jungkook.. " Sungjae says before going to the older's bedroom

Jimin was eavesdropping as he couldn't believe jungkook was alive then he grabs a few men telling them to follow sungjae's men and stop them


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