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After a few days, taehyung came to a jewelry store as he looked through the engagement rings then a saleswoman goes to him

" Looking for a ring for your lovely girlfriend? " She says smiling

" Actually, I plan on proposing to my beautiful boyfriend " Taehyung replies smiling

" Oh, you're very handsome to have a boyfriend "

" Thank you, just a question, can you engrave these rings? "

" Yes sir, anything you'd like to put? "

Taehyung writes something down on a paper as he smiles looking at it then hands it to her

" Take your time looking at the rings, sir " She says looking at the paper before moving away

After a few minutes, taehyung picked one as he bought it and was waiting for the engraving smiling then got a call before answering

" Hi baby " Taehyung says smiling through the phone

" Hi taehyungie, are you coming back home soon? " Jungkook replies smiling

" Yup, very soon are you getting all pretty for me baby? "

" Well we are going on a date, of course I want to get all pretty for my handsome boyfriend "

" I can't wait to see how beautiful you look, I'll be home soon "

" Okay, hurry I love you so much " Jungkook says smiling

" I love you more " Taehyung replies kissing his phone before hanging up as the saleswoman gives the bag to the older

" I'm sure your boyfriend will love it " She says as taehyung thanks her taking it

As he sits on the backseat whilst his driver takes him home, taehyung open the box looking at the ring smiling

As he sits on the backseat whilst his driver takes him home, taehyung open the box looking at the ring smiling

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Taehyung looks at the engraving smiling happily then looks up

' I'll always love you, my angel baby '

" Baby, you better say yes or I'll just kiss you till you do " Taehyung says smiling

They arrive home, as taehyung walks in his bedroom seeing the younger curling his hair as the older wraps his arms around him from behind

" Welcome home, tae " Jungkook says smiling as the older kisses his cheek

" You're so beautiful, and you're all mine I got too lucky " Taehyung replies happily before kissing the younger all over his face making jungkook giggle

" Tae! " Jungkook says while giggling

" I'll go get showered while you get dressed alright? "

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