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The next day, mingyu was training fighting with the punching bag as he was thinking about the younger constantly smiling to himself

" Maybe I'll ask him on a date " Mingyu says smiling " Where should I take him? What would he like? "

Meanwhile with Jungkook, he was outside smoking his cigarette as he laid back on the wall sighing then blows out smoke from his parted lips

He was angry at himself for feeling weak around the older but decides to stay away from taehyung as much as he can

Jungkook's mind
' Admit it, you enjoyed me fucking your brains out ' Taehyung's voice says

The younger coughs slightly from the smoke rubbing his forehead sighing in annoyance before stepping on his cigarette and heading back inside

Mingyu decides to speak with the boss clearing his throat as jimin headed out after talking with the older

" Sorry to interrupt boss, I need your permission to go out "

" What for? " Taehyung says

" You see, I want ask Jungkook on a date and- "

" You? Want to take Jeon on a date? "

" Yeah he's been feeling so down lately, I want to take him out and make him feel better "

" Fine, only on one condition. "

" What is that? "

" We make it a double date, you and jeon, me and yunho "

" Oh congrats boss, I didn't know you had a boyfriend "

" He isn't my boyfriend yet. "

" That's fine with me "

After a few minutes, jungkook had to take paperwork over to the older's office then mingyu caught him in time

" Hey Jungkook, there you are "

" Hi Mingyu "

" So I wanted to ask if you'd go on a date with me this Friday? We'll watch a movie then head to get some dinner then lastly is walking on the beach "

" Sure, why not. Just have to ask for permission "

" Oh no need, I already did. But it's not going to be just us, we're having a double date with the boss and his boyfriend "

" Really? " The younger says

" Yeah is that going to be a problem? "

" Nope, See you on Friday "

Jungkook knew what the older was doing as he heads into his office giving him the paperwork about to leave

" Someone's an angry baby bunny " Taehyung says

" I'm not angry, why the hell did you suggest a double date? "

" Why not, Jeon? "

" I just don't want you to pull anything funny "

" Jeon, we might've fucked once but I'm over you I don't want your body again. "

" You only say that because you know you can't have me for your own "

" You might have a point but on the other hand, you can't deny what we did in your bedroom was not pleasurable " Taehyung says standing up heading close to him

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