Chapter 2 (A New World)

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Twilight's reaction is so funny and cute at the same time, when she became human.😅🤣❤

But enough of that, let move to the chapter.

(Image is not mine.)




3rd Person P.O.V

(Y/N) told all the Princesses regarding what happened with Twilight's crown, and they asked her to bring The Mane 6 along with Spike to the throne room.

Princess Celestia: Sunset Shimmer. A former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown.

Spike: She replaced Twilight's with this one.

He shows them the fake crown Sunset Shimmer left, at Twilight's nightstand.

Princess Celestia: I suppose Sunset Shimmer thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours.

(Y/N): And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crown and Element of Harmony. 

Twilight Sparkle: But I don't understand. Where did she go? Where did she take the crown?

Princess Celestia: You'll soon know more about this place than even I do.

And with that they walked to the room, where Sunset Shimmer disappeared to.


(Y/N) looks at the mirrors reflection, and states.

(Y/N): When I saw Sunset Shimmer had gone through this, I know this is no ordinary mirror. It is a gateway to another world.

Princess Luna: A gateway that opens once every 30 moons.

Pinkie then puts her hoof and the mirror.

Pinkie Pie: Sparkly!

(Y/N) then uses her magic to gently push Pinkie away from the mirror.

(Y/N): It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. 

Princess Luna: But when Princess Cadance, along with Princess (Y/N) took over the Crystal Empire, we sent it here for them to watch over.

Princess Celestia: *sigh* I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use it to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance. Obviously, this is not what has happened.

Princess Cadance: Twilight, you must use the mirror to go into this other world and retrieve your crown. Without it, the other Elements of Harmony have no power and Equestria is left without one of its most important means of defense.

Twilight nods to her, while The Mane 5 exchange glances.

Princess Luna: Your crown does not belong in the place Sunset Shimmer now calls home.

(Y/N): And in her possession, your Element of Harmony will no doubt be used to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm. They will not have the power to defend themselves.

Luna uses her magic to put Twilight's bag on her, while Celestia walked behind her.

Princess Celestia: You understand the importance of your task?

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