Chapter 10: Real Man Or Real Dead?

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Y/n stared at the virtual graph inside the monitor, the ling going up before descending slightly, and then it's getting high again, but it completely dropped very low.

"So the kid has powers. No big deal."

"I just have no idea how he got a hold of it," she replied.

"Maybe he just found it on a random spot of dirt or something," Stan said, swigging the last gulp of his one bottle of beer, which he shouldn't do because he still have work tomorrow, and not only that, but the kids can find out, but he's Stan and he can do whatever he wants.

"Ford said he buried it where nobody can find it."

Stan chuckled. "Well, my brother's either-" he presented his digits. "-suck at hiding, a terrible liar, or... yeah that's it."

Y/n laughed with him before trailing off, a far look on her face. "I'm kinda worried, though."

He made a dismissive tone, waving his hand. "Eh, don't worry about that rapscallion Gideon. What's he gonna do; nibble on my ankles? His hair is bigger than his entire body!"

It made her smile a bit, but she couldn't help but wonder. Is it possible that Gideon has the second Journal?

"Hey, quit it with the silence.. I swear, you look like you're about to explode with your thinking gears smoking. Tell me about what happened today while I was out."

"Well," she began. She was slightly annoyed when Stan interrupted her train of thought. She doesn't like it when she's disrupted whenever she thinks. "The moment you left, Wendy invited the twins to the roof and tried to hit the attached target on the totem with pinecones. Dipper hit a van, though."

"And did you compensate for the damage?"

"Of course I didn't. Owner didn't hear it anyway. And even if he did complain, I would insist that it was a wild animal or something,"

Stan grinned proudly. "Ah, I taught you well." He stood up and messed with her hair a bit before slowly making his exit. "Well, I'm off to bed. I'm drunk."

"What, you only had like- one beer. Not that I'm encouraging you to drink more because then you'd smell like a drunk."

"Okay, maybe I'm just sleepy. Good night, kid."

"Good night."



The next day, Y/n was outside tending to Gompers, the Shack's pet goat. It was now part of the ambience ever since it showed up and ate most of the grass from around the Shack. Stan thought that it would be a good idea to keep it so that he wouldn't do any more mowing.

Now, Y/n is treating its wounds after she found a red spot on one of its knees. He was whimpering like crazy, trying to lick it. She got to the bathroom and grabbed the gauzes before sprinting outside before the goat could escape.

She already got it cleaned from the blood and was now wrapping bandages around its ankle. It calmed down, basically just staring right at her, or was it behind her? She wasn't sure. Its pupils were lopsided, after all.

Y/n crumpled a handful of weed growing near her and fed it to Gompers which he happily munched on. She petted its head, thinking deeply.

She could really see herself building a clinic in the middle of the forest, catered specifically for the creatures and monsters of Gravity Falls. She's invulnerable and has fast healing (meaning any effect marks would disappear immediately), but not everyone in Gravity Falls does.

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