Chapter 19: Scary-Oke!

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In the dead of night, the air was filled with the hooting of owls and the rustling of leaves. The weather vane, a whimsical arrangement of the letters W, H, A, and T, occasionally let out a squeak.

The skies were draped in shades of black, blue, and white, casting a shroud of darkness over the surroundings. It was the perfect time to have a good night's sleep because it was quiet– except for the casual rumbling of the ground every now and then. The town had been experiencing earthquakes more often than usual, and while the rest of the residents slumbered peacefully, oblivious to the ongoing seismic activity, these two culprits were well aware of the disturbances they were causing.

As Y/n and Stan stood there, the air before them danced and shimmered with a vibrant, swirling light. It was a sight to behold, a testament to their hard work and determination. This was the breakthrough they had been waiting for, the first step to get him home.

"Thirty long years and it's all led up to this," Stan spoke into the portal room. It seemed that he was at the beginning of a speech. "Our greatest achievement!" A wide grin spread across his face as he uttered those words.

His attention shifted to the girl standing behind him, and he gently ruffled her hair.

"I couldn't have done it without you," Stan's gratitude was a rare occurrence, but his sincerity was evident.

Y/n nodded in agreement, her own smile mirroring his. "This is just the start," she replied. Stepping back into the control room, she followed the instructions from the journal, flipping down a few switches. As she did, the display at the top started to light up with various boxes and lines of text.


The boxes were now filled with interdimensional information, symbols that Stan had never seen before. Y/n knew that they were on the right track as bodies of green logarithmic scripts scrolled upwards endlessly. The older man tried to understand the meaning of the figures on the monitor, while the younger girl kept her gaze on the results box that kept displaying the X sign. It only meant there were no signs of him in the dimension.

Laser lights flashed sporadically as the various symbols on the portal lit up accordingly. The tabulating machine dispensed out long papers of results, binary statements that served as records. The screen on top of it read, "0.0000000000% COMPLETE." and within a few seconds, it shifted into "0.00000000001% COMPLETE."

That change gave them hope.

If they finally pull this off, it will all have been worth it.

To get him home, to be reunited.

Y/n was busy flipping through the second and third journal for more information that they might use, but her eyes kept on glancing back at the framed picture of Dipper and Mabel smiling at her. The flickering of the portal behind them sent doubts in her head.

"What if they found out about this?"

"Those two?" Stan scoffed. "Yeah, right. We've come this far. Who could possibly catch us now?"

I can give you a list. She stares at him with a raised eyebrow. He shouldn't be underestimating the twins, especially having been with them for almost a month now.

Stan continued with a cheerful stride, slipping on a glove meant for a hand slightly larger than his own. The extra finger on the glove dangled loosely as he extended his hand towards the handle. With a firm grip, he pulled it down, choosing the maximum power setting for the device.

A blinding light engulfed their surroundings, its intensity beyond measure. But it was, as Y/n was directly looking at it while Stan was shielding his eyes with both of his arms. It's like waking up at 3am and checking their notifications, but none of them have phones.

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