Chapter 24: Haunted Mansion and Hugs

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Y/n and Dipper shared a fist bump, shaking off the dirt from their hair. They just came back after catching a vampire bat that was reported to be terrorizing the local mall. Even the police were scared of the big creature flying around and screeching.

Mabel ran towards them, shaking a newspaper in her hands. "You guys! You just made it into the front page!" She excitedly showed the two a headline which read, "'MYSTERY SOLVERS' CATCH VAMPIRE BAT", featuring a picture of Y/n and Dipper against the creature with Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland screaming in the background.

The duo's smiles couldn't be any wider, proud of their achievement. Mabel allowed a smirk to grace her features as she placed her hands on her hips. "Look at you, two. Having fun."

Y/n went to the kitchen to get herself a cup of orange juice. "Adventures make me thirsty," she commented, taking a big gulp.

Meanwhile, Dipper was getting ready for bed, being exhausted. But his adrenaline might keep him awake to log this experience in the journal. He even managed to get a vampire bat's teeth and was contemplating on hanging it around his neck as good luck, but decided to hang it by the window.

Mystery Solvers. He smiled to himself. It had a nice ring to it.

The next morning greeted them with rainy weather, and the Mystery Shack was closed for the day. Stan thought it was perfect, considering they needed to work on the portal as soon as possible with the sudden boom of the gift shop this week, but Y/n had other plans.

"Where are you going?" Stan raised an eyebrow, tampering with the meters on the console.

She shrugged, running her fingers through her hair. "Dipper invited me to a marathon,"

"You caught a large python?" He replied, making her deadpan. With those big ears of his, it was a wonder why he still couldn't hear. Oh, right. she chuckled to herself. He's old.

"No, old man, Dipper and I are watching a marathon of Ghost Harassers. I really like that show."

"Huh? Must be a new show because I don't know the slightest thing about it," the older man grunted, bending down to reach a gear.

She eventually made her leave, going up through the elevator. Stan sighed, watching her leave. He noticed that these days, she's becoming attached with her niece and nephew. And although he's... happy that things are smooth-sailing, he's afraid that she might be forgetting what's more important.

He gazed at the portal in front of him, active and swirling around. This has been brewing for thirty years now. How long does it take until they get him back? Is he still out there?

Stan closed the control panel with more force than he should. With or without Y/n, he's determined to undo all of his mistakes and do what is right.

So he got to work.

"Hey," Dipper greeted her. "Good morning,"

"Morning," Y/n yawned, a hot coffee in her hand. She managed to drink half of its contents before continuing, "You ready?"

Dipper was smug as he motioned to the living room. The TV was already on, a box of pizza on the dinosaur's head skeleton, bags of chips, a bottle of Pitt soda, a fruit bowl, and an unoccupied yellow lounge chair. "I was ready ever since they announced the—"

"48-hour marathon of Ghost Harassers!" The two said in unison, looking excited with huge grins on their faces.

Not wasting any more time, Y/n leaped towards the chair and sat, Dipper following, sitting beside her. She took a handful of chips before shoving it in her mouth. They began geeking about the show as they waited. "Kim is my favorite harasser, she's so cool!"

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