Weirdmageddon Part 4: See You Later

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"Previously on Gravity Falls, the Mystery Shack crew banded together to try and stop Bill, and there was some mad action. Bill needed Y/n to take over the world, but we rescued her and Ford showed us Bill's secret weakness—till the Stan Bros messed it all up, which kind of brings us up to date. I'm Soos and I'm on the edge of my seat!"

Bill laughed smugly, kicking his feet in the air. "This is just too perfect! Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't hold hands?!"

The two Stans shared a guilty glance.

"And what's better, you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy circle!"

The demon extended his arms, conjuring a line of fire that ignited the highly flammable paint on the ground.

"Oh no!" Dipper exclaimed in panic.

Suddenly, two ropes wrapped tightly around Stan and Ford, lifting them into the air at Bill's command. They struggled to free themselves.

"Hah, you two... you wanna see what happens to your friends when you can't get along?"

McGucket, Gideon, Wendy, and the others tried to intervene, but they were no match for Bill, who could do anything with a snap of his fingers. With a flick of his wrist, everyone except the two sets of Pines twins were instantly turned into banners.

Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the older twins dangle perilously close to Bill. He was a messed-up god, capable of conjuring anything in an instant.

"Looks like it's too late for your friends, Daisy!" Bill taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. Y/n felt more trapped than ever. Bill raised his hand, and a triangular cage enclosed them. Stan and Y/n screamed in unison, their voices echoing in the vast chamber.

Two opposing forces faced each other, but it was clear who was winning. Bill had the people she cared for in his grasp, and she felt utterly helpless. "Now, I know how much you care for this obstinate family," Bill said, one eye half-lidded with feigned sympathy. "And since I'm a generous dealer, I'll let you save them."

Her stomach churned. To Bill, this was just a game of chess, and he was the only one moving the pieces. He would allow her to save the Pines? It seemed every choice would lead to a disastrous outcome.

"Don't be so damn difficult, Daisy," Bill hissed. "Last chance: tell me how to take Weirdmageddon global, and I'll spare the precious family!


"No! Y/n, don't do it!" Dipper's voice pierced through the room.

"Yeah! Bill makes bad deals!" Mabel followed, defiance in her tone.

Bill's patience snapped, approaching Mabel with malicious intent. "Don't you toy with me, Shooting Star. I... SEE... EVERYTHI—!"

His threat was abruptly cut off when Mabel sprayed paint into his eye. "O-OW! NOT AGAIN! WHY?! EVERY TIME!"

"Nice shot, pumpkin!" Stan praised from above, before he and Ford were released from their restraints and fell to the ground.

Dipper pulled out the height-altering crystal flashlight from his vest and activated it, enlarging their cage with a blue light. The younger twins jumped out as Bill continued to writhe in pain.

"Y/n, save yourself!" Dipper instructed, pointing to the direction of the exit, but she wasn't looking anywhere but him. "Keep them out of here! Mabel and I will take care of Bill!"

"What?!" Ford exclaimed in a panic. "That's a suicide mission!"

"Trust us," Dipper reassured them. "We've beat him before..."

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