Chapter 30: Everything You Care About Will Change🗝

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The rift containment unit is cracking.

Ford noticed it the moment he took the rift out of its storage. His heart skipped a beat, but not in a good way, as he puzzled over the problem. He knew that if the unit breaks, all the madness of Bill's Nightmare Dimension will come spilling into theirs and he didn't want that. Nobody does.

He took the rift to his study table, placed it carefully somewhere far from his arms, before taking out the second journal. He needed some sort of sealant to ensure that it didn't break completely, so he figured that it was going to take a glue of unearthly strength.

He must return with Y/n to Crash Site Omega— although he supposed there's no longer any need for that coy nickname invented in his youth. As he wrote in his third journal a quick rundown of the contents of the extraterrestrial craft, he thought about bringing his great nephew for their adventure. Not only that, he was thinking of discussing his apprentice offer with him soon.

"You called?"

And just in time, his assistant entered through his door, looking slightly concerned. Usually, his summons consisted of him burning his face off, a secret he wanted to share, or just simply calling her over to keep him company while he breaks down.

"Good. You're here," Ford said, closing the journal and standing up. He approached her, holding the rift close to his chest. "Listen, I need you to—"

Her eyes shifted to the rift, and they immediately widened in panic. "Is it cracking?! Oh my gosh, what do we do?!" she whispered harshly.

"That is what I was about to inform you about," he replied calmly. "We need to return to Crash Site Omega and look for an alien adhesive."

Y/n nodded, absorbing the gravity of the situation. She turned to leave and prepare her things, but Ford's voice stopped her.

"There's something else. I need your opinion on bringing Dipper on this particular adventure."

The question threw her off. It was unusual for Ford to seek her opinion in such a direct manner. But if he valued her input, she would give it. "Fine by me. He's more than capable. Besides, he's proven he can handle anything thrown at him."

Ford nodded at her answer, but it seemed he still had another question lingering in his mind. She tilted her head slightly, noticing his pensive state.

"Well, I'm thinking of offering him an apprenticeship," he said.

She was shocked but not surprised. He must have seen his great-nephew's potential, and it would be a mistake not to include him in their future adventures. "Can't you see, Y/n? You, me, and Dipper. The ultimate trio of mystery hunters!"

Somehow, she winced at the title. She had been part of several trios before, and they rarely ended well. She looked at Ford, hoping he understood too. "This happened before," she told him. "And we didn't like the ending."

The other member of their initial trio had lost his sanity. Ford looked away, subtly clearing his throat. He understood the change in her expression now.

"Well... those were under different circumstances," he said, though she could tell he was struggling to justify it. Who exactly was to blame for Fiddleford's craziness?

The basement fell into a tense silence. Y/n felt guilty for bringing up the painful memory, causing the awkwardness between them. She decided to try and ease the atmosphere.

"I like having Dipper involved in all of this," she began. "You can offer him the apprenticeship, but the decision will ultimately be up to him."

He nodded. "Of course."

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