Chapter 3 Trouble and Training

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Chapter 3 Trouble and Training

Harlow's POV

I couldn't believe it when I saw Emi's name on my phone. I honestly thought that I would never see her again. I had faith in her and I felt bad for the belief, I just couldn't help worry and stress over their wellbeing.

When Lathen's body was found, everyone was understandably distraught. I didn't know him too well but it still filled me with sadness. He was a kind person who had created a wonderful family and environment. A part of the sadness which I had felt was connected to the realisation that it was Emi and Karim's family who were a part of it.

The message was short and simple; 'We can't leave the house, we're alright. Can't talk' It had a smiley face emoji at the end of it. I wondered if the two of them knew what happened. I had immediately read the message, I hoped that the simple word was enough to send her some comfort. I had considered using my second account to talk with her, yet I was unsure if it was still unmonitored.

"At least she's alright." Aiden mumbled over my shoulder as he looked at the text. "Does it seem like something she'd say?" Suspicion was laced in his tone as he read over it again and again. I nodded in response, the smile still on my face. "Excellent." I looked up at him to see a smile on his own face.

"Well...they're basically grounded with no end date. I don't think that's too great." The wolves had stopped their training once again and started to head towards the shed, two by two. The shed wasn't the biggest. We were soon joined by them in their human forms.

"Better then them being in the cellar thing." Rhodes pointed out as she crossed her arms. "At least they know the place and have their things there." She was trying to make the situation feel a little better. The one thing which would improve my feelings right now would be seeing them in person.

"Yeah, they know the place. They might be able to sneak out." Tempest pointed out. "They said they'd done it a lot right? Sneaking round?" I bit my lip and nodded, leaning back in my seat.

"Maybe we could-"

"You are not sneaking into the mansion." Aiden said almost immediately, interrupting my suggestion. "You don't know the place and we are not getting caught sneaking in there." I shrinked slightly.

"It's only bed if you get caught." Beaumont smiled as he came over to us and wrapped his arms around Rhodes. "We gotta go play with the kids." Rhodes smiled lovingly and kissed his cheek.

"That we do." Rhodes nodded and waved to us as they headed inside. The actions of love made me look away, Karim flashing in my mind.

"You're still not doing it." I rolled my eyes at my brother and waved him off. The decision would need a lot more thinking over then the quick decision that I had just made. "At least the message is some comfort." Ralph then walked over to us once he had gotten changed.

"Yeah, good to know your electronic thingy works." I chuckled at his wording, despite him knowing what it is. "So, you two want to learn how to fight wolves?" He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. A smirk was trying to creep it's way onto his face.

"Not particularly fight them." Aiden pointed out with a slight wobble in his tone. "Defend ourselves from them if we have to." It reminded me why he went into biology and was interested in protests, he was fair and didn't want to cause unnecessary harm.

"It's still fighting werewolves." Moss pointed out with a slight grin. "Gonna cause some trouble with them either way." Tempest nodded at her partner's words.

"You called?" Two voices came from the door, it was Channon and Channing.

"Speaking of trouble." Tempest smiled as their children ran over to them. Each parent ruffled one of the children's hair. "These two have a fighting spirit like their father." She had a tone of adoration. I hid the pang of jealousy, we used to have that when we were younger.

"And the fierce prankster spirit of their mother." Moss also smiled. It was another pleasant change. It was rare to see the muscular fighter smile. "They probably will be training with you. We gotta start doing that." Ralph nodded and rubbed his chin.

"Actually that's a good idea. Might be easier to teach the humans and the pups at the same time." I tried not to be insulted in any way. I felt like he had just called us children, though we probably would be very similar to children in this world. "We can start tomorrow. After everybody gets some rest."

"I want to start now though." Channing whined and stomped lightly, the cheekiness still on their features.

"It's going to be fun training with Harlow and Aiden." Channon grinned evilly at us. "We'll get to pick a victim each." I shook my head and pretended to be scared.

"We're doomed." Aiden announced as he stood up straighter. "I am going to enjoy my last day with a warm bath." He started to head towards the door, Ralph trailing behind.

"Don't mind if I join you." Ralph had a teasing tone. I made a disgusted face behind their backs. "I can see that Harlow!" He yelled over his shoulder. The twins giggled at the surprised reaction I had. "Just wait until Karim gets back." Then my face was red once again.

"At least you can't hear what happens at night." Moss smirked slightly at me. "They get loud." Tempest smacked his arm rather roughly.

"The most they do is talk, They get very mushy." Tempest grabbed onto her children's hands and swayed them slightly. "Speaking of bedtime, it's drawing closer." The children groaned as the four of them headed inside.

I was left looking at the sky which was slowly becoming a burnt orange. It wasn't too late, but I was tired. I didn't sleep too well the past few evenings. I was offered a bed but I denied it, I didn't want to intrude in their home. That wasn't what kept me awake. The stress and anxiety did. I was anxious about whether or not Emi and Karim were alive, now I have some sort of reassurance.

That night was a little bit easier, until it wasn't.

I was lying on the settee like normal. The majority of the pack went to their rooms earlier now that the living room was my bedroom. I didn't really know of any time to thank them for that. I was thinking about the rest of the week. We would be training, we'd be visiting our mother. I had school to keep up with. I don't know if Karim or Emi actually wrote that message, it might be their mother. They could be torturing or killing another soul in the cellar. They could be waiting in the forest waiting for the next opportunity to attack.

The walls were closing and it was getting harder to breathe. I moved so that my back was on the settee and closed my eyes. I didn't like that, it felt like I was drowning in deep, dark water. I had to see the ceiling. Opening my eyes didn't help much due to the darkness, the only light being the fire which casted unusual shadows on the walls. I took deep breaths which didn't feel deep enough. I held back the tears and any noise which I could possibly make, they would be able to hear me if I made any noises.

It was too much and I shouldn't have to deal with it. I am though, I am going through it and there's nothing I can do right now to stop it. I'm safe with these people, I'm safe with my brother. Tomorrow,. I was going to learn how to be safer by myself. We could do this, for now at least.

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