Chapter 42 Is it Done?

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Chapter 42 Is it done?

Emi's POV

I watched in shock as Travis leaped towards Ralph with a knife. A shriek left my lips as the wolf went down with the man on top of him. Other wolves started to pull Travis off him using their teeth. Travis yelled in pain and dropped the knife. I had to look away from the gruesome sight of wolves tearing into flesh with teeth and claws.

"Emerson," my mother addressed me as I moved over to see if Ralph was alright. "I'm sorry, I never thought he would have-" I shushed her with a glare as I looked over the wound.

"It's been poisoned," I told a worried Aiden and Harlow. I then shifted closer to Harlow and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "It's acanite still, he should be alright." I hid my face in Harlow's shoulder when a naked man walked into the room.

"I'll take care of him," Arkin stated quickly before he moved into another room. None of the wolves had brought clothes so I had my eyes shut for quite some time until Harlow awkwardly gave me the okay.

"They're in the kitchen," Harlow spoke awkwardly. I stepped back and nodded. I didn't want to look anywhere around the room at the moment. My mother was sitting quietly at that point. She had her phone out and was typing away. I looked at her suspiciously and crossed my arms.

"Who are you talking to?"

She looked up with startled eyes. "I'm talking to your father?" She spoke quickly. I raised my eyebrow. "Where's Karim?"

I shrugged slightly. "Last I checked, he was being knocked out with the rest of us" She looked down, towards the phone which was still in her hands. She didn't say another word. I looked towards an awkward Harlow and nudged him. "Let's go check up on the others."

Harlow nodded and we exited the living room. Moss was standing outside the kitchen door and he nodded firmly to us. He had a few scratches on his face and arms but he seemed alright. Rhodes strode down the hallway and into the living room, tapping my shoulder slightly as she went.

The kitchen was cleared and the table was a bed for Ralph. It was probably easier than carrying him up the stairs but it looked incredibly uncomfortable and inefficient. Someone must've gone out the back to grab Arkin some bottoms as he wore a pair of shorts as he manoeuvred around the kitchen, looking for materials.

Harlow and I stayed near the back of the room, until the back door opened. Karim walked in slowly, his movements were cautious and weary. Harlow darted from my side and wrapped himself around Karim. My cousin opened his mouth and closed it several times before he hugged Harlow back.

I gestured for the two of them to come forward, away from the table. Karim dmoved the two of them gently over to me. "You alright?" I asked him as I looked him over.

He simply nodded. "I'm okay, sleepy but okay." He paused for a moment. "Are you? You woke up quickly." I returned his earlier gesture.

"Yeah." Silence took over the room for the moment. Harlow's and Ralph's breathing being the loudest things in the room. "Mam's in the living room." Karims' eyes widened.

"She's what?" He hissed before going and popping his head around the corner. He turned back to us, Harlow still in his arms. "What's she doing here?"

"Betraying us," Harlow said with a sarcastic smile. "She pretended to kill him so he could attack." Karim's eyebrows furrowed.

"So that's why Ralph's over there." He gestured towards Ralph's wolf which was still on the table. "But what happened?" I told him everything that I knew. Nobody else was listening, they probably knew what happened due to their wolfy telepathic link.

"That's mental." Karim shook his head before his eyes turned to the doorway. "I don't trust her." I hummed in agreement.

"Nor do I."

The house was becoming crowded. Wolves from all different packs wanted to make sure that the deed was done. It took them a while to get here. I was lucky enough that I had taken my phone and some money to Ashton's packhouse, or else I still would've been there. I heard someone discussing the fact that those who didn't shift as often, were less prone to the effects of Aconite. Travis had apparently done tons of research on the plant in his spare time. He even started growing it on one of his construction sites, just so he had power over werewolves.

"So he just stabbed Ralph?" A concerned Eben asked. He had ran into the house and to the kitchen as soon as he could. Eben was as pale as a sheet, his veins protruding. It looked like he struggled to stand on his own two feet. I'd hate to see the effects of the gas on anyone any older than he is.

"He jumped on him and slashed him with a poisoned dagger," Randall replied to him bitterly. He had been told the story by many different wolves. He watched his brother with regret and sorrow.

"He's going to be okay." Arkin stood with his arms crossed and watched the family, not too different to what Karim, Harlow and I were doing. "He's just got to rest. I'm not sure you'd be able to move him comfortably at the moment though."

Eben nodded towards the alpha silently. "Thank you," Aiden told Arkin with a smile. "I think he'll be able to stay here for now. You should go and be with your pack." Arkin saluted slightly and turned around, heading towards the door.

"Call for me if anything changes." I stepped forward to look at Ralph better. Harlow moved to his brother's side, Karim trailing behind.

"This is going to be like mam right?" Harlow asked quietly. "Will it have the same effects?" Randall shrugged slightly whilst Eben didn't respond.

"If it's like mam was, we know what to expect. We know he'll be alright." Aiden nodded with each word. "He has to be alright."

It took about half an hour for me to get so bored of doing nothing that I moved into the living room. My mother was still sat there, now accompanied by my father. I almost turned around when I saw them sitting on the settee but Karim didn't let me. He marched me into the living room and took his hood down, glaring at the two.

"Why?" Karim's voice was sharp and demanding. "You don't need to be asked specifically, Why?"

"Why what?" My father stood up to look Karim in the eyes. He didn't seem to have that much courage though as he soon looked away. "Why did we stick with the man we've been loyal to our whole lives? Why did we let them attack you? Why did we-"

"All of it!" Karim yelled with gritted teeth. "Why did you do all of it, despite the fact your family was in danger? You knew that what you were doing wasn't right, so why did you stick with a man who causes so much pain?" My parents stayed silent for a few moments.

"We were scared." My mother finally looked up, unshed tears filled her eyes. "We were lost in the human world, we had nowhere to go. We owed Travis everything. There wasn't any harm in it. We simply ran a company."

"A company whose main job was to tear down territories," I stepped forward, gritting my own teeth.

"In a few days, I'll be eighteen." Karim lifted a hand to his temples and started to massage them. "I'm going to move out. I'll show you what you can do in order to integrate with human society without the need of a bastard like Travis." He then stormed out of the room.

I looked back to the door where Karim just left and then back to my parents. "Emerson, please." I shook my head and didn't let my mother finish as I followed my cousin out of the room. I had made my own mind up. I was going to be Karim's problem until he wanted to get rid of me.

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