Chapter 29 Discussion

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Chapter 29 Discussion

-Elowen's POV-

Neva led us further into the packhouse. The walls were intricately decorated with photo frames and paintings. The wallpaper was flowery and pleasant. The packhouse itself was incredibly large, around five times the size of our own. It was rather intimidating to be in a building as large as this one. I had seen them quite often when visiting the city. I couldn't even consider Aiden's apartment to be something intimidating, despite the size. This place was so open.

"Elowen," Beaumont spoke to get my attention. I hummed slightly in response as he nodded towards a picture on the wall, "Do you remember this?" I tilted my head slightly before my eyes widened. It was a photo of one of our conventions. There were so many people there at that point.

"How'd you look at it for so long to find us?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "We're in a hurry," I tried to urge him to move on from the photograph.

"Dean is there," he noted and pointed towards someone right in the back. I sighed lightly and shook my head.

"Isn't it Liam?" I bit my lip, I didn't like to disagree with people but it was a little odd for it to be Dean.

"Liam didn't come that year," Tempest's voice made me jump as she came up from behind me. "Remember? We had no clue who to talk to for the entire event because we usually just hung around him." I made a noise of realisation.

"Now I remember, that was stressful." I shook my head and sighed as we started to walk again. "Though we got to talk to more people. That was fun." Tempest snorted at me.

"Says the most sociable person in the pack." I shook my head at her words and wiggled my index finger at her.

"You're forgetting the existence of my husband," I teased lightly as we stood outside a door. Neva had told us to wait here, it had been quite a while now but I respected their privacy enough not to listen into their conversation. Given what I've gathered from Neva's personality, it wouldn't take too much to guess what was being said.

"Come on in," Neva said bluntly as she opened the door and entered back into the room. I shared a look with Beaumont and Tempest before heading inside. The inside of Ashton's office was very similar to the hallways and corridors we had walked through. It was intimidating and it looked expensive. It reminded me of a picture Harlow had shown me of his school. There was a gigantic desk in the middle of the room with three comfortable looking brown leather chairs and a matching settee which surrounded a glass coffee table. The walls were covered in glass display cases holding many objects that I didn't understand the importance of. They varied from awards to crystals to statues and pieces of jewelry.

There were two large windows behind Ashton, who was sitting in his chair behind the desk, and under that were many potted plants. "Is everything alright?" Ashton said worriedly as he moved forward in his seat. He gestured towards the seats and we complied, sitting down.

"Not really," Tempest said honestly as she folded her arms and sat back. "They started on our forest too, luckily it started to snow. THat won't last long." Her words were sharp and sentences short. The light in her eyes looked like she added a new piece of wood to the fire with every word.

"No, I expect it won't." Ashton shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I've not had any time to interact with any of the packs, having just returned from your home." I nodded lightly.

"Understandable, but we have a plan." His eyes looked at me sceptically, raising an eyebrow challengingly. "We're going straight to the packs themselves to ask for help." Ashton chuckled and shook his head.

"That's stupid," Neva said quickly. "You won't be able to get enough wolves on your side, not enough to bring down an entire company." Neva opened her mouth again to continue but she was interrupted by the door opening.

Beaumont, Tempest and I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. A small smile graced my lips. Her black hair was tied up into a high ponytail and she walked with confidence. I stood up as she approached and held my arms out for a hug, which she happily returned.

"Varsha, it's lovely to see you," I greeted before holding her at arm's length. A sparkle of joy came to my eyes as I scanned her over. "When were you going to tell us?" A small blush came to her face and she looked down, holding her stomach.

"Well, it's been a busty few months," she was then pulled itnoa hug by Beaumont, who couldn't stop the grin from appearing, it looked as though he was trying pretty hard.

"You can say that again," Beaumont rolled his eyes lightly as they pulled away from each other. "Gonna have lots of fun the next few years." Varsha scoffed and blew an imaginary piece of hair from in front of her face.

"Gotta get through these next few months first Beau," Tempest commented, looking the calmest she had today. "You both alright though?" Varsha nodded with a small smile.

"We've taken some time to get used to each other," Varsha spoke whilst rubbing her stomach again. "It feels like I know them already." I turned back to Ashton, who was looking at his wife like he was in a daze. It took a little while for him to snap out of it. "Anyway, back to your conversation. We won't do it with that attitude." She looked towards Neva. "We have to believe that we can do it, or else we won't try."

"I-" Neva opened her mouth to argue but she stopped herself with a sigh.

"What is the planthen?" Ashton rested his elbows on his desk, The atmosphere turned to one of seriousness which took over the room. "It would be a monumental task to talk to all the packs in England."

"But we can do it," Beaumont insisted. "We got this far, we can continue on. It took us about half a day to get here, if we work together on this and do it by foot, we can do it." Ashton looked apprehensive, Neva looked like she couldn't care less but Varsha looked interested.

"It's a good idea," Varsha said slowly. "Do it by word of mouth, nobody else would know. The enemy wouldn't know." Ashton bit his lip in response to his wife's words. "We can send some wolves out too, we just need to know where we're sending them."

"We can help with that," Tempest spoke hastily. "Aiden studied it, he can draw up a map. He did it to get us here." The attention of the room was once again on Ashton. He sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Alright," He said, defeated. "We'll help you. We'll put an end to Travis' reign of England."

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