Chapter 44 Visitors

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Chapter 44 Visitors

Karim's POV

The three wolves were now clothed and standing awkwardly in the back garden. I had my arms crossed over my chest and Harlow stood beside me. Emi was on my other side but she was looking a lot less confident then even Harlow did. That was something that was rather difficult to achieve.

"Why were you chasing us?" I asked the group calmly. I wasn't going to tell anyone, especially anyone from Ralph's pack, but I had been having some conversations with Eben about how to be a proper alpha. He didn't know much about what it takes to be an alpha, being a beta all his life, but he gave me quite a bit of advice .I was supposed to be calm and level headed.

"We wanted to talk to you," the boy at the front said with an air of confidence. I raised my eyebrow at him and tilted my head.

"Why didn't you just come and talk to us then? Without the harsh footsteps and growling?" The three of them looked at each other nervously, the boy who spoke moving forward slightly.

"We got scared," he said with a stutter. "We weren't expecting to be, for you to be, so intimidating." I chuckled at his words. It filled me with some sort of warmth. In my opinion, I had never been intimidating. It was refreshing to hear it from somebody else.

"We acted quickly," the girl to his right said. She was obviously related to him, so much so they could've been twins. They had the same dark brown hair and angular features. The other girl held dark blonde hair and blue eyes, a contrast to the other's forest green. "It was irrational and we should've thought it through."

Harlow stepped forward slightly, his action immediately causing my eyes to dart to him. "What did you want to talk about though?" The three looked between themselves again, the blonde girl nodding.

"We used to be in Travis' pack." Her words made me tense up and look back towards Ralph's pack. They were still lingering by the kitchen oor, some hanging inside the kitchen whilst others leaned against the wall of the house. "We want to join yours."

"Hang on," Emi said and raised a hand. "How do we know you want to join the pack? You could have an alternative motive." I nodded in agreement and sent her a smile as she turned to look at me. Her eyes were hopeful and worried. I wanted to give her some reassurance but I didn't know how.

"You're right," the blonde one spoke again. "Travis is dead, our parents worked for him too but we didn't have any say in it. I'm sure we've seen each other before, we just haven't talked." I lifted a hand to my chin and narrowed my eyes at them.

It would make a lot of sense to be honest. We never socialised at the parties which were held at our house or the office. We just sat in a room and talked to each other. We would spend the entire night sulking instead of talking.

"It might help if we knew your names?" I concluded. Names were far easier to unlock memories than seeing the person's face. If they worked for Travis then it's highly likely we knew the gossip surrounding them more than anything else.

Three sets of eyes widened in realisation as they started to nod. "Of course, that was silly of me," the boy started to say and folded his arms in front of his body. "I'm Albion, this is Adah and Amari." He gestured to who I assumed was his twin before gesturing to the blonde girl.

"I know you!" Emi exclaimed as a grin started to come on her face. "Oh the sh-" I elbowed her slightly and her mouth immediately clamped shut. She still moved side to side excitedly.

"Well, if you want to join oru pack..." I trailed off before looking down to Harlow. He looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows. He didn't know anything about these three people. I sighed slightly before nodding. "We'll see, we'll need to know that we can trust you beforehand."

"Of course," Amari said with an excitement which almost matched Emi's. "We're just excited to have hte opportunity to be wolves again." I opened my mouth to question what she meant, but I thought better of it.

"You best get to know our allies then." I gestured for them to follow us. "Our packhouse is quite small at the moment so-"

"We've been staying in a hotel nearby," Albion interjected with a shaky laugh. "We used to live in a house not too different from yours. We're all siblings, as I'm sure you know. It's quite a change." I hummed slightly.

"Rule one, don't interrupt me. I don't like that." He moved his hands behind his back and nodded shortly. I held back a sigh as I turned around to look at them. They were fast when they were chasing us but they didn't seem like they had been focusing on their strength at all.

"Hopefully this works out," Harlow flashed them a brilliant smile. "It'd be nice to have the start of a pack."

It was a few hours of introductions and getting to know each other. Adah and Amari couldn't be any more different from each other. Adah was quiet and calm, whilst Amari was excited and bubbly. I couldn't get a word in edgeways when she was talking. Albion seemed to be a perfect mix of the two.

"We weren't even told that we were wolves, we found out by seeing someone else turn into a wolf," Amari rambled on. "We just thought it was really cool and decided to try it. Our parents easily found out when there were two small wolves jumping around with panic and Adah was just laughing at them."

"It was funny," Adah shrugged her shoulders with a small grin.

"I had something similar happen," Emi leant forward on the settee. "Karim taught me how to shift into my wolf and it took about half an hour for me to turn back." I chuckled. Most of the pups laughed loudly at this story, every time they heard it.

"That would've been terrifying though," Aiden pointed towards Emi. "Being stuck in a form you're not familiar with sounds very frightening." The pups started giggling, the twins standing and shifting into their wolf forms.

"No need to show off," Tempest lightly scolded her boys. "People grow up in different cultures. Don't gotta be big headed about it." She reached over and stroked her son's head.

"We're just happy to have a chance of experiencing a new one," Albion said slowly. "We really had no clue what to do after...but we're here now, and we have a chance."

I looked away from them with a small smile on my face. I was giving someone else a chance of experiencing the new life that we had created. It's going to take a while but it'll hopefully be worth it.

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