Chapter 13 Coming Home

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Chapter 13 coming home

Harlow's POV

I told the rest of the pack what Emi and Karim had told me, which was close to nothing. I was telling them when they were training but I was interrupted by Aiden's phone ringing. I didn't want to repeat myself. He went into the house, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"Harlow!" Aiden grinned as he jogged back to the door, "We're picking mam up tomorrow, so you're taking half the day off." I smiled slightly and nodded. I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the recollection of details after that. I was focused on the fact that we'd be bringing mam home. I didn't know what this meant for my living situation, I couldn't stay here forever.

That night it was a bit difficult to sleep, not too much though. I was still doing my training with Moss, which exhausted me. I also had been to school, doing much more than I had done in the previous weeks. It felt like Christmas had come early as the excitement stopped me from sleeping.

The next morning I was awake before anyone else. I was sat at the kitchen table with my breakfast in front of me when Elowen stuck her head around the corner. "This is a first." She grinned at me and entered the room fully, a sleepy Melina in her arms.

"That it is." I agreed and waved at the two of them, Melina moved her head around so she wasn't looking at me. "Rough night?" Elowen nodded and sat down, rubbing Melina's back.

"Yeah, she was up with a bad tummy last night." She kissed Melina's cheek as she continued. "Nothing too bad I don't think. Just a little day bug." I smiled sympathetically at the child.

"Ah those are the worst. Used to be a great day off school though." Elowen chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm not doing any training today so we can have a little mommy daughter time today, yeah?" Melina had lifted her head up and was nodding with her mother's words.

"Ah, that sounds lovely. I hope you two have a fun time." We made casual small conversation for the rest of breakfast time with other pack members tricking in now and again. "Same time as yesterday?" I asked the room.

"Yup, Hollis and Tempest are on babysitting duty today." Ralph grinned at us as Tempest groaned. Out of all the pack, she wasn't the most fussed about seeing the human world, she much preferred training. The irritation was soon outshined by Hollis' slight celebration.

"Though there'll be a shift swap later, yeah?" Elowen asked with a small concerned look and nodded towards the child still on her knee. Ralph nodded and gestured towards Beaumont slightly.

"Such a shame you're still a child." Ralph retorted towards his brother. "Else you'd be on babysitting duty." Randall rolled his eyes and punched him slightly. "Tiem for school." Ralph quickly dodged the punch and headed out of the kitchen, me following behind.

"You and Aiden would make great parents." I commented as we parted ways. I went into the livingroom to get my bag and he put his shoes on. The 'babysitters' Followed behind us after a while, along with Aiden. My comment got ignored as we exited the house and off to school.

The morning was slow and agonising. I wanted to get home and get things sorted. Emi had given me a very funny reaction, she went to hug me and then pondered and then went for a handshake and then a high five and a hug again but in the end we both just shrugged and laughed. It was as though nothing with the wolves had happened. I couldn't dwell on the fact too much as we were soon picked up and brought to the hospital.

The pack didn't own a car, nor did anyone in the family. We had to get a taxi and a few busses to get home. Aiden and Ralph got into the taxi with mam and dad whilst I went with the rest of the pack on a bus. Beaumont and Tempest were quite the interesting pair in the human world. They tried to act as though they were uninterested but they kept asking a lot of questions. It helped my anxiety a considerable amount.

"Not a thing's changed." My mother smiled as we entered through the door. Her bed was made and she sat on the edge of it.

"Apart from the window." I smiled and opened my arms as I approached her. She gave me a wide smile back and wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug.

"Yes, thank goodness." She looked at the people behind me for a moment before furrowing her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I shook my head as the two of them looked at each other.

"Mam these are some of the friends we told you about." Aiden gestured towards the two of them. "This is Tempest and Beaumont." My mother smiled at them.

"Lovely to meet you both, good to see my boys making friends." She ruffled my hair causing me to pout slightly. I moved off the bed and to one of the settees and gestured for the two wolves to follow. That was when the anxieties started to kick in. What if the wolves were still out there and could smell the members of the pack were here? I tensed up and bit my lip but it went unnoticed.

"Right well, is there anything you need dear?" My dad asked mam lovingly and kindly. He seemed to have had a shave, a very messy one but it was done nonetheless. Mam just shook her head.

"Settle down a little bit Steven, you've been stressed for so long." My dad didn't need to be told twice as he plopped down in his chair and it looked as though three years worth of stress had been lifted off his shoulder. I saw Beaumont shift from the corner of my eye and I looked at him questionably.

He pulled something out from the side of the settee, it was a card. He shrugged and then put it in his pocket, once looking at it. His foot started to tap whilst he shared a look with Ralph. There was something wrong, which I didn't want any part of.

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