Chapter 5 Phone calls and plans

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Chapter 5 phone calls and plans

Harlow's POV

"I regret that." I muttered to Aiden as I was rubbing my sore ankles. We had been paired together, something which probably wasn't the best of ideas. I wasn't a very strong or quick person, struggling to run and keep up with everything. Aiden was quite the opposite of me, he did a lot more physical activities then I did and was used to running.

"I hate to admit you're right." Aiden was sitting on the floor just beside the settee, with his legs outstretched in front of him. "Haven't done that in a while." Ralph chuckled at him and patted his hair.

"You see if you came on runs with me, or trained with me, it wouldn't be this bad." Aiden quickly shook his head.

"Nope, I do not like running in circles, or trying to catch up with my supernatural boyfriend. It's just not good for my self-esteem." Ralph rolled his eyes and sat back in the chair. Hollis' head then popped around the corner.

"Harlow? Your phone is doing something." I tilted my head to the side before widening my eyes. I rushed towards the kitchen, where my phone lay on the table. It was vibrating since I had left it on mute. The caller ID stated that it was Emi and my breath caught in my throat.

"Hello?" I answered as I quickly walked back into the living room. "Emi? Karim?" I hurriedly questioned into the phone. I ran my free hand through my hair and looked at the others for help. Those who were sitting leant forward with narrowed eyes. "Are you there?" I tried to be as quiet as I could. I didn't know if there were werewolves around, listening into the possible conversation which could be going on.

I still didn't get any answer. "I hope you're alright. I don't know what's going on but I hope everythings okay. Nothing's changed." I heard some shuffling on the other side of the phone and my eyes instinctively shut, hoping that I could catch some sort of sign that it was them. "I miss you guys." I heard more shuffling and a hiss. I wasn't sure what that was but I couldn't really tell where they were either. I am assuming they were in the mansion. I could imagine them sitting on Karim's bed, huddled next to the phone. "I don't know how long you'll want to be on but I miss you. I'm always here for you okay? It'll work out."

The silence was deafening, I could almost hear the hope in my heart starting to shake with struggle to stay in one piece. I heard more shuffling and rustling but I couldn't hear any words. It stayed like this for a few moments, I even checked to see if I was still on call. Just before I placed the phone back to my ear I heard 'love you' before the line went dead.

I sighed and made sure the volume was turned up before placing the phone in my pocket. I plonked myself down on the settee next to Ralph and groaned. Hollis was standing in the doorway, whilst Tempest and Moss were sitting on the opposite chairs. "That was strange." Moss noted very awkwardly.

"Well for those who could hear." Aiden raised his eyebrow at me and I just shook my head. I theme ested my head in my hands and repeated the action.

"He didn't get much of a response." Hollis explained to my brother. "It was strange, Couldn't even tell it was them. Save for the last two seconds of the call." A grin could be heard in Hollis' voice, I slightly wanted to slap him. "Couldn't tell which one said it though." I really wanted to slap him.

"Is that so?" AIden raised an eyebrow at me, I showed no response. "At least it suggests that they're alright. Good choice of words." I just gave hima thumbs up in response. I had a lot on my mind.

"Are you guys joining us for training tomorrow?" Tempest changed the subject with a teasing tone. I shook my head in response.

"We're heading to the hospital tomorrow." Aiden answered quickly. "Hopefully we won't be there for too long, we'll see if we can do it." The others nodded. It took them a while to get used to our frequent trips there. Ralph had said the time he went with us was his first time there. That shocked me, it was such a depressing place, he didn't really have the same impressions as my brother and I.

"Aiden!" An irritated voice exclaimed as Beaumont entered the room, the twins dangling from his back and neck. "Why did you tell them I'm a mountain?" Aiden struggled to hold back his laughs.

"Beautiful's what it means." Aiden raised his hands in surrender. I quietly got up and left the room whilst they were distracted. I headed towards the back garden. I was unsure why this was one of the most peaceful places in the house. It was raining rather heavily and it was ultimately miserable. The pitter patter of the rain was calming as I counted them.

The phone call had raised some anxieties that I had forgotten about as my bones ached. It reminded me about the fact I didn't know if Karim and Emi were alright or not. It reminded me of the fact that I was probably helpless. That was why we were training. I bit my lip slightly and looked into the window. My eyes caught Moss' for a moment before I looked away and shook my head. That wouldn't work.

Tomorrow, I'd be reminded once again about how helpless and hopeless I was. I would see my mother lying in her hospital bed again, looking weak and frail .Dad would be worrying about his job and looking over mam like she was his single lifeline. It was sweet and saddening seeing him like this. It reminded me that he adored her, even when he got so obsessed with work and money. It was saddening to see how he started to neglect things which are rather important. I doubted that he had shaved since she got put in there, he hadn't been eating right and some nurses had to drag him outside once he hadn't left for a week.

I shook my head and let the rain fall on me. I should've been more worried about getting sick. I would be no help to anyone if I got sick, but they really wouldn't be missing out on anything if I couldn't help.

"We can, fi you want." A voice made me jump. It was Moss. He sat next to me and rested his arms on his knees.

"Can what?" I furrowed my eyebrows and he rolled his eyes at me, giving me a playful shove.

"Do some training without the others." He nodded, as though his actions would jog my memory. "I did understand that look earlier. I have seen it a lot. Elowen used to have the same look" My hands started to fidget and I looked away from him.

"I'm not sure. I don't stand much of a chance fighting anything. You really wouldn't be missing anything if I just-" He raised a hand to interrupt my ramblings and shook his head.

"Remember what we said earlier? The pack is the most important thing a werewolf has. Each person has their own unique talents and strengths.We just have to find yours. You're a part of the pack now Harlow. No matter how you see yourself in it." The words left a warm feeling in my heart. It was fuzzy and it left me extremely happy.

"What if my skills and strengths aren't useful though? I doubt we'll be doing ...jigsaw puzzles and woodwork in order to stop the other pack." He laughed at my poor attempt of humour.

"You'd be surprised. I also like woodwork actually." He nodded before he brushed it off. "We'll talk about that after this thing blows over. I'll help you tonight. I'm sure you'd appreciate the fact nobody would know. We could do it in the basement." I didn't know what I was getting into but the hope which nearly broke earlier was still intact. 

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